

By Stan Winston

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 1988-10-14
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 26min
  • Director: Stan Winston
  • Production Company: DEG
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 481 Ratings


When a group of rambunctious teenagers inadvertently kill his only son, Ed Harley (Henriksen) seeks the magic of a backwoods witch to bring the child back. But when she tells him the child's death is irrevocable, his grief develops into an all-consuming desire...for revenge! Defying superstition, he and the witch invoke Pumpkinhead, a monstrously clawed and fanged demon which, once reborn, answers only to Ed's bloodlust. But as the invincible creature wreaks its slow, unspeakable tortures on the teens, Ed confronts a horrifying secret about his connection to the beast and realizes that he must find a way to stop its deadly mission before he becomes one with it forever!



  • Best of 80s horror!

    By calebmpr
    What I love about this movie is the creepy tone it gives. The way this film was shot is what makes a horror film fun to watch when it’s raining/thundering out or even when Halloween comes around. Pumpkinhead is what I consider to be a modern classic horror film!
  • The best movie monster EVER!!!

    By FsKrisFx
    Stan winston studios and Tom Woodruff Jr NAILED it with this movie!! This movie is old now but beats the hell out of movies today! no cgi CRAP will ever top the realism of the cruel, devious, pure as venom, PUMPKINHEAD!!!!!
  • Great B Movie

    By desilvacd
    I'm not much for horror movies, except for when they are done right. Stan Winston's film is great at keeping audiences entertained, even if there's not a whole lot going on. You only see the creature a few times but that is enough to freeze your bones and make your breath visible. If you're looking for a relaxing, cheesy horror flick then this is it.
  • Great, but .......

    By R_Navy25
    I love this movie. It's a horror movie that didn't need any fancy CGI to be amazing. But iTunes should add Ashes to Ashes and Blood Fued
  • Maybe You Had to be There.

    By LordPancake
    I watched this movie several times when I was a kid. I loved it then and it still holds up now. It's good old school scary with the monster stalking it's victims, the mad desperation to try and stop it and the theme of revenge gone wrong. Pumpkinhead is one of those movies that will stick with you and probably has for those who watched it when it was new. I can't say how it holds to people who are seeing it for the first time now in 2011, but if you can appreciate classic horror it one worth seeing. Enjoy and watch your back.
  • Lives up to it's tagline: A Dark Fairytale

    By DeviantSon13
    This film is far too overlooked far too often. It’s not the single scariest movie ever, but as dark fantasies go, this film out-does itself; a gothic fairytale in every right. It’s vivid, stylish and hauntingly atmospheric with fantastic set designs and production. The acting may not be the best in the world, mostly with some of the extras, but our main cast should be recognized as a smart group of actors. This is especially true for the very talented Kimberly Ross who brings surprisingly smart and strong performances in some of the movie’s slower scenes. The music is FANTASTIC: sometimes brutal, mostly with a southern flavor but ALWAYS haunting and in a very different way. This immediately becomes evident in the opening credits of the film- which do take a while, so enjoy the music if possible. Then, there's Pumpkinhead himself. Here, they created some really remarkable creature effects. They could make a creature that could go from a nasty snarl to a Grinch-like smile all in one frame. It also allowed Pumpkinhead be a real character with his own performances as a character. And lastly, it’s a real fable. It’s not in the same vain as some of the slasher films that set out to glorify vengeance. And while this movie is fun, it shows revenge for its true colors by personifying it in Pumpkinhead- vengeance incarnate. There are a couple disadvantages, though. Sometimes, some of the smaller events end up being a little too revealing. And there is a bit of overuse of the “sting” for a jumping effect. Perhaps a little less could have been better. But the film’s strong points make the weaker points easy to look over- especially if you’re really into this stuff. Bottom line; “Pumpkinhead” is a clever, stylish film that lives up to its tagline: “A Grim Fairytale”. It’s a remarkably crafted, classy horror film with a brilliant monster and functions well as a very astute cautionary tale about the dangers of vengeance.
  • Great!!!!

    By JeffH.
    One word ...Awesome!!!!
  • Good, old-fashioned horror

    By mgsmith
    Although the set-up is lame - the usual gang of idiot kids with one bad apple - the rest of this film is classic horror done right. The opening sequence is one of the creepiest scenes I've ever watched. Another feature that sets this film apart is that the creature isn't just scary or violent; he's imaginative. He loves his job and he uses every opportunity to taunt his victims. "Pumpkinhead" is possibly the best horror film that never made it into theaters.
  • Good movie

    By Puppet610
    I remember when I was knee high to a grasshopper watching this movie it used to scare the crap out of me but it is still a classic in my eyes no matter what others say. I have been looking at movie stores for this but no luck but now that I have found it I will get it awsomly great movie
  • A Hell of Alot Better Than the Sequel!!!!!!

    By LaughingGodzilla
    "Bolted doors and windows barred, Guard dogs prowling in the yard, Won’t protect you in your bed, Nothing will, from Pumpkinhead." This movie is awesome! Let me say this, the movie's awesome due to Stan Winston's direction, effects, and a great performance of Lance Henrikson. It's awesome! The sequel, however, has nothing to do with it!!!!! Get this movie, not the poorly written and poorly conceived movie!!!
