Lost In La Mancha

Lost In La Mancha

By Keith Fulton & Louis Pepe

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2003-06-24
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 29min
  • Director: Keith Fulton & Louis Pepe
  • Production Company: Quixote Films
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 219 Ratings


Lost In La Mancha may be the first "un-making of" documentary. In a genre that exists to hype films before their release, Lost in La Mancha presents an unexpected twist: it is the story of a film that does not exist. Following Terry Gilliam's attempt to bring Don Quixote to the big screen, Lost in La Mancha offers a unique, in-depth look at the harsher realities of filmmaking. With drama that ranges from personal conflicts to epic storms, this is a record of a film disintegrating. In the best tradition of documentary filmmaking, Lost in La Mancha captures all the drama of this story through "fly-on-the-wall" verite footage and on-the-spot interviews. Gilliam's plans for the non-existent film come alive in animations of his storyboards, narrated and voiced by co-writer Tony Grisoni and Gilliam himself. And with the camera tests of the leading actors and the rushes from the only six days of photography, Lost in La Mancha offers a tantalizing glimpse of the cinematic spectacle that might have been. Lost in La Mancha is less a process piece about filmmakers at work and more a powerful drama about the inherent fragility of the creative process -- a compelling study of how, even with an abundance of the best will and passion, the artistic endeavor can remain an impossible dream.



  • I liked it more the the rating I gave it.

    By Boolez
    It's a facinating take on life imitating art. The only complaint is that it was envisoned as a behind the sceen mini documentary. The excessive footage tends to drag on a little long. It would have faired better as a short or else as a slightly re-edited film with more narration. Of course in doing so it would seem more forced and written out then it was. Still it's worthy enough to at least rent.
  • Boring

    By sinoscuba
    An interesting concept but for a film that was actually shooting, it comes off a tad Spinal Tap-ish. It seems many of the problems that arise could and should have been solved before they reached such a critical point. It's too bad, would have been interesting to see Johnny Depp and Terry Gilliam's ultimate collaboration on this.
  • Enjoyed this very much

    By aplusjimages
    They did a small premiere for this movie in Jacksonville, FL and I really enjoyed it. Got to meet the directors afterwards and they were really great people. Very interesting to see a story that keeps having issues after several teams try to make it into a film and yet the story has yet to be translated onto film.
  • Go behind the scenes of 'Lost in La Mancha'

    By IFC Entertainer
    If you liked this movie, you'll definitely enjoy the two behind-the-scenes featurette we recently added to the IFC Entertainment podcast. Both episodes include interviews with filmmakers Keith Fulton and Louis Pepe and their subject, the film's own Don Quixote, Terry Gilliam. Search for 'IFC Entertainment' in the iTunes Store and subscribe to watch it for free!
  • Sticking pins in your eyes will hurt less.

    By etaoin shrdlu
    This appears to be an attempt to recoup cash from a miserably failed venture. It may also have been released to place the director's eccentricity on public display and to help assure that any future offers he receives are appropriate for his talent. The plot summary's author could make offal sound like a gourmet meal, I would bet.
  • uh i HAVE seen it but whatever

    By djnodis
    First of all let it be said that this is not a movie but a documentary. It is a documentary of a movie that was never made. It was supposed to be a Don Quixote which is a very good story that hasnt had many oppertunities on the silver screen. But for all you Johnny Depp lovers out there he is in this one. He was really funny off the set. There were some really hystarically chaotic moments. Its a good thing they got a documentary out of all of this. it was going to be a movie by Terry Gilliam but it turned out to be a fiasco. You get to see behind the scenes that were never finished. There were so many problems in production they had to deal with. But if I had to sum it up in one word it would be devestating. They really put a lot of work time and money into this picture. It's really to bad they didn't make this movie because johnny depp and terry gilliam worked really well together in fear and loathing in las vegas. heartbreaking film.
  • fascinating and entertaining!

    By KeyserSöze
    One of the most interesting films about making (or un-making) movies I've ever watched!!! It's the proverbial a train wreck in slow motion -- so painful you feel like you should look away, yet so compelling that you just can't. That a film about a disaster can be so entertaining is a testament to the filmmakers and subject. Terry Gilliam's lack of artifice is refreshing, and, one would think, rare among directors. Can you think of anyone else who would let a documentary film crew continue shooting while his dream project was falling apart? If you are at all interested in how movies get made, you'll enjoy this movie.
