Mission to Mars

Mission to Mars

By Brian De Palma

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 2000-03-10
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 53min
  • Director: Brian De Palma
  • Production Company: Touchstone Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 17.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,440 Ratings


From the director of Mission: Impossible welcomes the thrilling, eye-popping science fiction adventure Mission to Mars, starring Gary Sinise (Snake Eyes) and Tim Robbins (High Fidelity). The year is 2020, and the first manned mission to Mars, commanded by Luke Graham (Don Cheadle, Oceans 11), lands safely on the red planet. But the Martian landscape harbors a bizarre and shocking secret that leads to a mysterious disaster so catastrophic, it decimates the crew. Haunted by a cryptic last message from Graham, NASA launches the Mars Recovery Mission to investigate and bring back survivors -- if there are any. Confronted with nearly insurmountable dangers, but propelled by deep friendship, the team finally lands on Mars and makes a discovery so amazing, it takes your breath away. Mission to Mars is an action-packed rocket ride that will enthrall you with its stunning special effects and keep you on the edge of your seat.



  • What is this movie

    By Gaspatchosoup
    I’m so confused by this movie. During so many of the life and death scenes people stand around or just move so slowly. In the beginning when the dust starts to make a big dusk snake that is coming straight for people they just stand there waiting. In the ship when they start to lose oxygen they move at a snails pace to fix it. The one guy gets in front of the hole with a repair kit and takes so long to patch it up. There is also the music. When someone dies it’s this upbeat not somber music. It plays something you would not play when something so bad happened. When they get on mars the first thing they do is plant a flag instead of looking straight away for the missing team. I don’t normally nitpick movies but this was awful and just so bad.
  • Not Terrible

    By Phouse81
    It’s interesting, and as a sci-fi fan it’s not totally awful. There are some good ideas, and some parts of the story moves too fast. But, my biggest gripe is the soundtrack. I don’t know if the people saying it was good are joking. The scene from the ship mid move sounds like a synthesizer and an organ. It’s supposed to be a tense moment, but the music at times is distractingly bad.
  • Screw the critic’s!

    By trying to find a handle
    I love this film. One of the most positive and interesting sci-fi movies. I guess you either love it or hate it – doesn’t seem to be any in between.
  • Great movie! Looking for it for years!

    By Yh Q
    Special effects are just incredible! This is one of the best space exploration filsm I have seen, that does not sensationalize anything. Accuracy of science is not the key focus, but within tolerence. The storyline was great, I've never and probably will not see another movie like this one.
  • Second Half

    By North-Light
    ...surviving the lift off... at least I think I did..... first half of movie. some serious "a-Listers here.... going through an ode to "Right-Stuff, shads of "Apollo 13...mmm what were they thinking...daKnooow. Awesome production values, photography, music...oh yea REd Rocker - Sammy Hagar..and they be "Dancing in the Vacuum Chamber. First half...Utterly contrite. Lets wrap this up with some saving grace...Second Half..an outrages,,cool,,,SciFi Movie. Too bad first have couldn't keep continuity with the last half and finish... all-be-it- a beautiful SciFi.
  • trying to hard to be 2001

    By htom sirvieux
    dont get me wrong its a good film, and good examples hard sci-fi are hard to come by in hollywood
  • Question

    By None657
    does this movie have any thing to do with the Roman god Ares ??? does anyone know?... Like any similarities
  • Mission To Mars

    By GeneticallyGeneric
    This movie is wonderful! I love the imagery of the lost mother meets her long awaited children. There were a few parts that i thought could have been done slightly better, but not very much. This is one of the greatest movies i've seen. So, watch it if you havn't seen it or watch it again if you have!!! :)
  • If you didn't like this movie, Rush Limbaugh is your dad.

    By good rap
    This movie was fantastic. Everyone stop complaining about the damn "point of no return" sequence. If this scene was not in the film, you "intelligent" folk probably wouldn't have understood it. And MisterChristian just doesn't like it cause aliens were not in the bible. Tim Robbins is cooler than Don Cheadle....hes alright too though. You guys need to keep watching "little man" and stop judging great films.
  • South of Awful

    By JoeyQ
    The band jams out while the married space couples frolic in the ship... Give me a friggin break. Just listen to the music playing while the spaceship is losing oxygen (and the computer is gasping for breath). That's the $100 soundtrack budget right there. Look at the cover. He's reaching for your dignity. Don't let him take it away... :(
