A headstrong young woman (Katie Holmes), who has alienated her parents, is forced to confront their troubled relationship when she learns that her mother (Patricia Clarkson) is dying of cancer.
John Gallagher Jr
By Whatsername2004
I'm giving it five stars for the thought of the very sexy John Gallagher Jr(spring Awakening and American Idiot) in a pink nightgown oh and I met him a few times
Luhv iht!
By Alyssa0320
This movie is amazing! It is hilarious and the best movie evrr! I rented it from my library thinkin it wud jus b some dumb movie. Bt meh and my mom still talk about how funny it was two years later! I luhved iht and wud reccomend it for anyone whoo wantss to fall on the floor laughingg! Hillarious and wonderful!
good movie
By vegasmiss71
funny i just found this movie at a dollar tree store.bought it just for fun and it turned out to be pretty good.
By juliannat
I really don't understand why this movie would get a bad review. It is a little depressing, but also so sweet it made me cry at the end. It teaches a great lesson, but maybe that's not what most people are looking for in a movie. If you're looking for a light comedy, this is not it. But it is a really great drama with some ironic and funny moments, none the less. I would not hesitate to recommend it. All the actors did a wonderful job. I loved it.
um ok
By ~:~PEACE~:~
it was totally and completely pointless
By evelinefiretaken
worth the money
Good movie
By michaelbeholder
The best I've seen of Katie Holmes. Touching, interesting anf funny. Worth seeing.
By Autumn Rose
This movie is all about the mighty strength of familial love that prevails even amidst threadbare interrelationships.
By .:Megan.:
Expectations weren't really high when I rented this movie. From the get go I was a huge fan. The cast is amazing and the story line is wonderful. If only it were a tad bit longer. It is now a favorite of mine. Recommended to all.
hm idk havent seen it, preview looks ok
By kegslist
what i really wanted to say however, is that THE GIRL LOOKS LIKE BRITNEY SPEARS. ANYBODY AGREE WITH ME????