Total Recall

Total Recall

By Paul Verhoven

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 1990-06-01
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 53min
  • Director: Paul Verhoven
  • Production Company: Carolco Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
From 5,903 Ratings


Get ready for the ride of your life! This Special Edition DVD allows you to experience Total Recall the way it was meant to be seen and heard. Arnold Schwarzenegger is perfectly cast as Quaid, a 2084 construction worker haunted by dreams of Mars in this crowd-pleasing science fiction spectacle. Against the wishes of his sexy blonde wife (Sharon Stone), Quaid goes to Rekall, a company that implants artificial memories, so he can "remember" visiting the red planet that is now being settled by human inhabitants. However, Quaid is actually an amnesiac secret agent from Mars - or is he?



  • Quaid

    By bigtone528
    Open your mind! Open your mind! Great movie...classic Schwarzenegger
  • One of the

    By biggn82
    Best movies ever, period, end of story. If you don't like it get your head examined because you're a REALLY boring person.
  • Great

    By Kalakito
    Totally underestimated. Just great.
  • Pretty great at times

    By alec john
    It's entertaining, full of great ideas, has some good acting, clever lines, and fast-paced action.
  • Quaid….

    By Sonja019
    start the reactor..
  • Good old movie with Arnold

    By AVPkropeczka
    Good classic I might say movie with Arnold. If looking for SiFI adventure here you are !!! avp
  • It is not about the turbinium!

    By zenhex
    You may think you need the latest CGI, but on earth, you are all spoiled. Mars has a very visceral charm that smacks you in the face like a spontaneous clash between freedom fighters and Northern block guards. You can protest against the idea of an ordinary Joe doing extraordinary things, but those of us who love Mars are very capable of holding on to that passion well beyond years acting as a mole fooling a megalomaniac power monger, and then after two memory implants and a memory cap. You may think that violence is unjustifiable even in the face of violence, and that innocent bystanders are never harmed in the crossfire of an important cause, but we are all Marsians at heart.... and it's time to restore the atmosphere on a planet that was our eden so long ago. Our fallen bretheren will be honored in Marsian soil. Peace Out! - Quato PS: Open your mind
  • 5
    By Yoann10000
    Welcome to mars
  • I Love This Movie

    By themuppetshow680
    At $4.99 I had to buy it. Worth every cent. Who cares about the picture quality, it's all about Arnold and his quotable lines, "Get down!". "I am not Quaid!" "Shove it up your nose til you hear a crunch." just to name a few.
  • Total Recall

    By Bobert82325
    It was one.of the best movies I ever saw. Weird and kinda gory at some points but it was good
