The Hunt for Red October

The Hunt for Red October

By John McTiernan

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 1990-03-02
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 2h 15min
  • Director: John McTiernan
  • Production Company: Paramount Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 3,341 Ratings


The hunt is on! A new technologically-superior Soviet nuclear sub, the Red October, is heading for the U.S. coast under the command of Captain Marko Ramius (Connery). The American government thinks Ramius is planning to attack. A lone CIA analyst (Baldwin) has a different idea: he thinks Ramius is planning to defect, but he has only a few hours to find him and prove it - because the entire Russian naval and air commands are trying to find him, too. Based on Tom Clancy's bestseller, directed by John McTiernan (Die Hard) and starring Sean Connery and Alec Baldwin, The Hunt For Red October seethes with high-tech excitement and sweats with the tension of men who hold Doomsday in their hands.



  • Great movie, questionable HD

    By firesaint
    This isn't a review of the film, but the HD download itself. Buyers beware: This particular version on iTunes is glitchy, especially towards the end. Lots of video artifacts, along with poor video quality overall. Looked much better on HBO. iTunes, please get us a decent HD copy.
  • Really liked it!

    By NefariousOxide
    More action would’ve made it better
  • The best Tom Clancy and maybe the best Connery

    By JEKDC
    Tremendous movie holds up well over time. Great drama and dialogue. I love this movie.
  • Awesome movie

    By Rambo8649
    I thought this was a really good movie. Awesome cast.
  • Classic!!!💯

    By spdgtkt
    Great entertainment!!!👍🏾
  • One to watch

    By MauTrevino
    Epic golden age movie
  • Can we get back the traditional Red-and-Black Icon Imagery?

    By Another Beatles Listener
    I am nearly certain that the, well, much more iconic Icon Imagery is what represented this film in this format as of when I chose to make such a purchase; I would much prefer, in most instances of this kind, to keep (or, far better, have an option to keep) the given icon with which a given film has been presented as of purchase. That said, I offer four stars here, on the strength of casting and acting with regard to Connery (!!!), Glenn, and others; terrific, too, for the sheer fun, and great visual spectacle, of the story overall. Submarines zigzagging the Atlantic, amid suspense concerning the precise purposes of that one Rogue Commander? Irresistible as film fare, perhaps as deftly presented here as is likely to occur. Reverse the unilateral retro-alteration of the icon, and this type of achievement would, for me, possibly reach at least 4.5 stars. Thanks . . . in case any of this might be at all helpful.
  • New 4K Dolby Vision!

    By Braveheat
    First off I absolutely love this movie and can watch it basically anytime it’s on cable, Amazon, and on iTunes. However, and this is more of a technical criticism of the movie/criticism of Apple TV. Now that it is available in 4K with Dolby Vision, I find that some of the lower lid scenes are very dark. Perhaps on cable or previously on DVD the movie was brightened up a bit, maybe this is the way the movie is supposed to look but it seems very dark even in well lit scenes. Sorry to go all nerd, it’s just a little annoying. I will now go back to watching paint dry on my wall.
  • It's been 28 years, still love!!!! watching this movie

    By maha2016
    One of my all time favorites. Love the movie. Wish they made an updated 4K version.
  • Book was better

    By notacommie
    Isn’t this always the case? I feel like the actors fit the characters very very well.
