Star Trek IX: Insurrection

Star Trek IX: Insurrection

By Jonathan Frakes

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 1998-12-11
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 43min
  • Director: Jonathan Frakes
  • Production Company: Paramount Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,231 Ratings


Engage! Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and his Next Generation crew are back and so is the excitement and fun in this "polished film that shines like a crown jewel in the Star Trek firmament" (George Powell, San Francisco Examiner). From the beginning of the Federation, the Prime Directive was clear: no Starfleet expedition may interfere with the natural development of other civilizations. But now Picard is confronted with orders that undermine that decree. If he obeys, 600 peaceful residents of Ba'ku will be forcibly removed from their remarkable world, all for the reportedly greater good of millions who will benefit from Ba'ku's fountain - of - youth - like powers. If he disobeys, he will risk his starship, his career, his life. But for Picard, there's really only one choice. He must rebel against Starfleet…and lead the insurrection to preserve paradise.



  • Mediocre, but watchable

    By villainfan
    My thoughts on Insurrection can be summed up as a loud, resounding "meh."

    By Ultimate Superman
    This movie turned me into a trekkie. It showed me that Star Trek was more than just another "sci-fi " movie. It showed me that it was an incredible colorful franchise and that it is incredible. This movie is the definition of the next generation.
  • Timelines Aside It's Good

    By Wizbang Trainer
    First my disclosure Yes I'm a Trekkie, but I'm not obsessed. This is a Star Trek movie that I find myself watching repeatedly, mainly because of the message within the plot that really were directed to the citizens responsibility to keep their government consistent with the values that created it. There are some quips that sound "grade school" but those who have complained apparently weren't paying attention to the plot. The film really showed off some special effects with explosions and a bit of gore. A couple of lines, when delivered, just seemed off. "Saddle Up….." Right? So I took a star for the misses. The film is good entertainment and has enough nuances here and there in the film that you identify different things and find yourself going "Oh, I get it now" Especially, if you follow the Star Trek franchise.
  • It Feels Like an Episode and Not a Movie.

    By bnorris80
    OK I know Star Trek's mission is about peace, love, and humanity but while we can emphasise these qualities in a film, producing a feature length Star Trek film that follows after such a great performance in First Contact requires more than what this film gives us. The problems with Star Trek are evident in this film. While is appeals to niche fans it doesn't appeal to the general public. Part of the burnout is in how Trek failed to re-invent and gave us too much utopianism and preachiness. This is by far the preachiest film outside of maybe Star Trek IV which was by far more fun and exciting than this flop. Of course the followup Nemesis didn't help either even though it was jam packed with action. Overall, this film is boring and preachy and while it hones in on the spirit of the TV show TNG it fails epically. Where is the fun and wonder of the previous film? This film is by far the worst Star Trek film since Star Trek V and about as boring as the Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
  • Score One for Humanity!

    By rrhepme8
    This movie is a great example of why the Star Trek franchise continues to draw both old and new fans. For those who enjoy the next generation crew, you can expect many moments of drama, along with a lot of smart effects and great battles. It's also a commentary on reason triumphing over bureaucracy -- a lesson we all need to remember in the current political climate. Especially meaningful, as always, is the relationships between the crew members, especially Data, who, although not human, is in many ways the ideal human being: one who reasons impeccably, yet always has the best interest of his human companions as his core motive. I highly recommend this movie, not just as entertainment (which it amply provides), but as a reminder that the human spirit can't be controlled. Bravo to the producers and crew who, in this case, explore a strange new world indeed -- the world of the human spirit.
  • to meekly go

    By nocrickets
    This is the TNG movie that seems most like a two-parter from the series simply rejiggered a little for the big screen. Actually, the two-parters from the series are better than any of the TNG big-screen efforts, but this is the movie that seems most like them. Absolutely nuttin new or daring happens here -- it all feels instantly familiar. They make no effort here to surprise or scare or excite you. Like the series, it just hums along from start to finish like a well-organized corporate entity. That's all sort of to the good: When ST movies try to get all clever and big-time they always get all cheesy and cornball. This is certainly the least cheesy and corny of the TNG movies, but maybe that's because it's the least *anything* of them. As usual, there are galaxy-class plot holes and ideas ripped from other, better sci-fi movies.
  • I Love Star Trek, But...

    By Saint Logos
    This film was boring. It made the mistake of making a story that was hardly about the main characters. Picard and company felt "dropped" into the story, rather than centered in it. This movie would have been better as an episode. It literally felt like a stretched out episode with better effects and acting. This one's skipable.
  • Very dull

    By user54321234567
    A perfunctory lazy attempt, clearly this is where TNG jumped the shark.
  • Can't buy in HD

    By bm5k1
    Can only rent the hd version.
  • Seriously?!

    By LaughingGodzilla
    This movie isn't any count....its like a poor episode of the Next Generation.....speaking of which, the plot for this movie has been done in two episodes anyway....and they played out better than this bullcrap!
