Rules of Engagement

Rules of Engagement

By William Friedkin

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2000-10-10
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 7min
  • Director: William Friedkin
  • Production Company: Paramount Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America, Germany
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 721 Ratings


What happens when the rules that command a soldier become the rules that condemn him? Samuel L. Jackson delivers an electrifying performance as a patriot and war hero who finds himself facing a court martial after a peacekeeping mission goes terribly wrong. Tommy Lee Jones is a comrade-in-arms military lawyer of questionable abilities. Together, they must face the battle of their lives.



  • Lame

    By HeavyLiftCapability
    Having worked in an embassy, not to mention participation with Marines on evacuation drills, I have to say that this really fails to show any nuance in what is a complex and quite potentially real situation. Solid actors are squandered on a lame script. The idea that Marines would take fire like that, and then mow down dozens of civilians is deeply flawed. But you know what, this film spends so little thought on the subject, I shouldn't devote any more to the review. Don't do it.
  • very touching

    By noobsster
    tells the side of the men and women who served our armed forces how they are give their lives for the very freedom and the protection of the country.salute our armed in some cases their services and their loyalty being questioned
  • The Void

    By Samuel'stheguy
    Great and Patriotic indeed. This movie contains the ingredients of an epic and classic. However there's something missing. Can't pinpoint exactly what, gotta check out the pro reviews. Definitely "a must see".

    By mmgrove
  • After all this time...

    By CitizenRaven
    This movie is still as good as it was eight years ago. A very real look at terrorism and corruption, at times it seems that the courtroom defense put on by Childers is just as chilling and exciting as the flashbacks Hodges continues to have through the course of the film. The story follows Colonel Hodges (Samuel L. Jackson) as he is forced to order his squad to open fire on a Yemeni demonstration in front of the U.S. Embassy. The result is nearly two hundred dead or injured Yemeni citizens, and the beginnings of an international incident. To make peace with Yemen, the Marines decide to use Hodges as an example, and hang him out to dry. Hodges' longtime friend, Terry Childers (Tommy Lee Jones) steps in to defend him, but what he finds in his investigation threaten to lead the Colonel to a guilty verdict. Half battlefield action, half courtroom drama, Rules of Engagement is all good.
  • Rules Of Engagment

    By ManUplaya6
    This movie is probably one of the best movies I've ever watched. It is a action packed movie, that adds suspense to the whole point of the movie. I do not recomend this movie for kids 14 years or younger. I would say it is worth the ten dollars. If your looking for a good movie, I'd consider Rules of Engagment. *****
  • Epic

    By Floman
    This movie is so patriotic
  • A New Perspective...

    By downard
    This movie shows the incredible sacrifice of those men who stand between the American people and terrorism. It also shows that they never recieve so much as a thanks from the very people they they are protecting. In some cases they are even condemned for what they bravely do. This is a beautifully told story that shows while all war is BAD, there are those GOOD men who fight in them to preseve freedom. This movie will have you rivited to the edge of your seat.
  • good movie

    By hovtek
    unique and interesting movie however it isnt one of those movies you will watch more then twice, but it will keep you entertained for 2 hours so i say its worth the 10 bucks. buy it
  • one of the best movies

    By Angels fan
    this is one of the best movies i ever saw and i think lots of people should see it.
