High Fidelity

High Fidelity

By Stephen Frears

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2000-03-31
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 54min
  • Director: Stephen Frears
  • Production Company: Touchstone Pictures
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 17.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,018 Ratings


From the guys who brought you Grosse Pointe Blank comes the absolutely hilarious High Fidelity. John Cusack (Being John Malkovich) stars as Rob Gordon, the owner of a semi-failing record store located on one of the back streets of Chicago. He sells music the old-fashioned way -- on vinyl, with two wacky clerks, the hysterically funny rock snob Barry (Jack Black) and the more quietly opinionated underachiever Dick (Todd Louiso). But Rob's business isn't the only thing in his life that's floundering -- his needle skips the love groove when his longtime girlfriend Laura (newcomer Iben Hjejle) walks out on him. And this forces him to examine his past failed attempts at romance the only way he knows how! For a rocking fun time, give High Fidelity a spin. It's sure to make your all-time top five list for comedies -- with a bullet.



  • 100% plotless

    By Pushba
    This movie is about nothing. The best part of the movie was when it’s over. I felt like I was in detention watching this movie. Being stuck in traffic is more entertaining.
  • Should be listed as Fiction, not Comedy

    By markcincinnati
    I hvae never met any man who drones on about his past girlfriends like John Cusack's character. To be fair, I am sure they are out there and I am sure that they have absolutely no guy friends, either. It is bad enough watching a movie with a female lead character who blathers on for 90 minutes but it is 10 times worse when a male characters does it.
  • Why are Movies Still Sold This Way?

    By Your Standard Customer
    It's not 'Fullscreen'. It's 'Chopped Screen'. An otherwise great movie that I would not buy from iTunes for this very reason.
  • Romantic Comedy - For MEN

    By GFred
    The best romantic comedy - for men - ever. Great wit, great nostalgia, great humanness, and a true tour de force for Cusack - surely catapulting him to a higher level in his prolific career. A must see.
  • A Guy's Flick

    By Shannon_WM
    I have to say, I watched this movie when it first came out in 2000 and did not like it at the time. For some reason I thought after 13 years, I should watch it again as perhaps the passage of time would have resulted in a newfound appreciation for the movie. I was wrong! I liked it even less if that is possible. I was not only mad at the main character's treatment of women throughout the movie, I was made at his main love interest for putting up with such horrible behavior. I would have been happier if she would have left him. I did not find the main character to be charming or lovable. I wanted the character playing Cusack's love interest to stand outside Cusack's window with a boom box over hear head…and then hurl it as Cusack with all the force she had within her. Strong performances by Jack Black and Joan Cusack--they are delightful as usual.
  • why can't i buy this?!

    By itunes13'
    Love this movie. would like to add it to my collection…Please make it available for purchase! Thanks!
  • John Cusack is the Best!!!

    By LWelan2
    Top 5….probably closer to number 1… Now let's make the option to purchase for the collection.
  • Love the movie

    By PeripaticCat
    I adore this movie but the price for rentals should still be .99 and not $3.00 for a rental, especially since this movie has been out for a while.
  • Why is the world is this not available to purchase!?!?

    By BCWilsonDotCom
    Seriously.. I want to buy this more than anything else on the iTunes Store! Great movie!
  • Best breakup movie

    By DickLmighty
    I have watched this movie during a couple of major breakups and it always brings me back to reality and normal perspective. If you are or know someone going thru tough times in a breakup rent him this movie (or her).
