Not a funny movie
By Pushba
They tried to make being a hit man a romantic comedy and it falls flat. I recently watched this movie for free and confirmed what I already knew. That is this a terrible movie.
Rare John cusack action film
By wcman316
John cusack has surprised me with this film. It is definitely one of my favorite action films next to John woo shoot out scenes. Love it.
Best of 2020
By jiu jitsu
A great movie. Carey Mulligan puts together a magnificent performance. She’s a talent.
Gross Pointe Blank
By michelina61
Fantastic movie!!!!!!
Life Changer
By Movie Man Who Knows Movies
This movie changed my life and it will change yours too. If you have a soul......
One of my favorite films!
By nbvideo
This has always been one of my favorite films and is totally in the top 3.
A classic
One of the funniest and best paced movies you'll find anywhere. If you don't rent or buy this watch at least 3 to 4 times there's got to be something wrong with you!
Want to buy!!
By LongshotEX
Please put up this movie for sale not just for rent. I personally would rather own this movie than just rent it
HD for purchase please
By BRBonowicz
Maybe more than any other movie in history, this film needs to be available for purchase in HD.
Soundtrack great! Movie… eh…
By Antny
So-so movie… although Minnie Driver is ALWAYS nice to look at. I'd download the soundtrack though… great tunes!