Aliens of the Deep

Aliens of the Deep

By James Cameron & Steven Quale

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2005-01-28
  • Advisory Rating: G
  • Runtime: 0h 47min
  • Director: James Cameron & Steven Quale
  • Production Company: Walt Disney Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 70 Ratings


Take a once-in-a-lifetime journey with Academy Award(R)-winning director James Cameron (Best Director, Titantic, 1997) in Aliens Of The Deep, and make contact with another world. This incredible underwater adventure gives you extraordinary glimpses of unbelievable creatures that live in an alien world in the deepest depths of the sea. Could these alien life forms be clues to life in outer space? It's an exciting exploration you'll not soon forget.



  • Refund please!

    By Guitarrorist149
    If one judges solely on the informative value of the film, this documentary is okay. Many parts are scripted and it wouldn't have been so easy to discern had they hired better actors and fine tuned their editing. When I think of a documentary film, I think "nonfiction". Only In a history documentary would I be okay with a re-creation of true events, but not in a wildlife feature. This film insulted my intelligence. I should've just rented.

    By Gonzalex1
    AVOID if you expect to actually learn anything from it.
  • Some fine (although too little) underwater footage but otherwise a bit pointless

    By mvno_subscriber
    So, we're about to explore deep water. We get thrown into it, looking at crew joking and having fun without really knowing them at all - so it feels weird. James Cameron is directing the operations, leading them and seems to decide what to do - instead of the scientists, whom you should believe would plan which tests to take. Is he a control freak? Probably, it's his job, but he could (for his own sake) have been portrayed a bit more discrete. Anywho.. The narration is poor, made by the scientists themselves and mainly unengaging. The video quality is not the best (why isn't there an HD version available??) and in some scenes compression artifacts damage the imagery. We don't get to know the results of the experiments, mostly the crew saying "oh my gosh, wow" when they look outside the submarine window. Some of the scenes are pretty beautiful, but in the end, it's too much footage of happy faces and very little explanation. The end of the movie is pretty childish and I'm not really sure who the target audience is. It's kid-safe, people smile all the time and you don't even see a fish dissection (only mussels), but I think any kid would be bored too fast. Can't believe this got 84% on rotten tomatoes!
  • idea

    By stepashka20
    if this documentary didn't push this stupid idea of going to another planet called utopia, it would be better because we still don't know a lot about our own world.
  • great!

    By CHAMPION12465
    one of the few documenteries that dosnt bore me to death!!!!!!
  • Keep your distance and money

    By Ecast1966
    What a waste of time and money on making this film, so don't waste your money renting or buying it. The title is deceptive as the so-called "scientists" in the expedition are unable to say one single word about the deep water creatures except "Wow, this is incredible!!!" or "What an amazing fish!!" or even from Jim Cameron himself comes this pearl: "This must be the ugliest fish in the world!!!". Apart from that, there is endless footage of deep water hot vents and surrounding ecosystem, which has been much better documented and explained in other Nat Geo documentaries. The icing on the cake is the last minutes animation with the "aliens". Calling this a documentary is an offense to the genre.
  • Not what I expected.

    By misfit fay
    I bought this movie expecting to see all sorts of cool water creatures but I was very disappointed when I watched it. The acting did seem to be staged (as previously mentioned by another reviewer), and just as you started to see water creatures the scene would take you above the water and tell you how they can use the technology and information they have for space. If you just want to see aquatic life then I would recommend watching something else. Rent this movie if you really want to see it.
  • Aliens of the Deep

    By Connelly Akstens
    Absolutely dreadful. James Cameron managed to make the fascinating deep ocean world seem tedious. The structure, pacing and editing of this film manages to bury the few stunning underwater sequences in endless "Oh Wow! Cool!" first-person narration and silly one world and girl power subtexts. To be avoided.
  • A rip-off.

    By ifyouhavetoask
    99% of this movie= watching college students blab about how excited they are to be in a submarine. There's hardly ANY footage of sea creatures. There's about 30 seconds of an octopus... 45 seconds of a jellyfish thing... and the rest of it is just crap. I am very surprised that Cameron would do something like this. I mean, you call a movie "Aliens of the Deep" and you kinda expect it to be about Aliens of the Deep....
  • good but different

    By sportbabe
    I liked it but not my favorite movie. It's a must see movie!
