

By Justin Lin

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2006-01-27
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 43min
  • Director: Justin Lin
  • Production Company: Touchstone Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 517 Ratings


Filled with intense action, Annapolis is an inspirational tale of courage and honor that will keep you riveted. As hard as it is to get into the most elite military academy in the country, surviving behind its walls is beyond belief. Young Jake Huard (James Franco) has always known he has what it takes to make the grade. But once inside, everything Jake thought he knew is challenged in ways he never could have imagined. Standing between him and his lifelong ambition of becoming an officer in the U.S. Navy is his company commander -- Midshipman Lt. Cole (Tyrese Gibson), a relentless and merciless battle-seasoned Marine. Thrilling and exhilarating, Annapolis reaffirms the power of believing in your dreams.




    By twistedchic
    I'm glad i didn't look at some of the reviews brfore watching or l would of sold myself short. It is really hard to find amovie,exspecialy these days. This may not be accurate as for as where and how the movie is filmed. I beleive the genre is fiction.The acting includung ,including the boxing,which i thought was pretty cool. I have an uncle that graduated from annapolis.You could not even get in without knowing someone,and being very smart. There are all kinds of{not by the book} with many more movies. You are lucky if you can even find amovie worth sitting through in 2014.This is an older movie,most of today are trash.The girl in the movie was by no means breaking any law with the main character, she was there for support. He had no family.Kind of like an officer and gentleman. Once you graduate you can do anything you want,you just have to work at it.I will take this over all the sex scandels and false political crap.Talk about misleading the military and our so called government!!!!!!!!
  • Do yourself a favor and watch this

    By theRocktoBeantown3
    This movie tells a great story of a boy who aspired to become an officer in the United States Navy through the USNA. While the movie shows some inaccuracies in the setting and life inside the academy, the story and the morals of it are truly inspirational. If one is not well informed about the setting or Annapolis or the customs of the USNA, the movie is exceptional and provides and amazing story along with the cinemographics. By far one of my favorite military movie and a must see in my opinion.
  • Give it a chance!

    By ksedws
    If you are going to watch a movie to get a glimpse of what life is like at the USNA, don't even turn it on. It you were expecting the Guy, who overcomes adversity, dominates, and them gets the girl in the end. This is where it's at. You can't beat it. It's awesome. Why would you rate this movie "one star" because its not an accurate depiction of the Naval Academy, or Annapolis for that matter? And yeah, "The Guardian," misrepresents the Coast Guard. So what? It's a movie not a documentary. Come on people.
  • RAWR

    By BeatportJunkie
    Does Tyresse make tiger roars in the ring or was it just me? But epic movie never listen to the critics, listen to your peers xD
  • Don't be fooled by the trailer...

    By PersnicketyChiChi
    This movie focuses on James's character developing from a brawling, out of control kid to a stoic, grown up man who can harness his aggression when he needs to. There's a lot of boxing in the movie, and no navy explosions, but it really does grip your attention. Of course, James grips me period.... ;) it may not measure up to the men who claim it's not the real deal, but it sure makes you feel sorry for James and makes you hate the guys who make life miserable fir him. Def. watch!!!! It's very entertaining!!!
  • NOT Annapolis

    By slacksploitation
    You'd think that the film could have shot even a little in the city for which it is titled, but apparently not. Save yourself some pain and just go rent Officer and a Gentleman, which also was not filmed in Annapolis, but at least came up with the plot first.
  • USNA

    By <3musica
    USNA is NOT the toughest military academy - USMA aka West Point is the toughest. But I do love every branch of the military. :)
  • Subtitles

    By Ronald Chirinos
    I'm looking for a movie with spanish subtitles. How can I find a movie with spanish subtitles in the iTunes Store? or ho do I know I'm renting a movie with spanish subtitles?
  • Wow...

    By CrisJocol
    I Honestly like the movie. But people need to understand...this is not how it works at USNA...It gets me mad how some people say "that movie shows you what it's like to be a Midshipman at USNA." I am going to the Naval Academy Summer Seminar session 1 this year and i have been learning about the academy for a couple years now. I liked the movie because I relate to it, moderate grades, persistent and all but the boxing stuff messes up the whole movie...I say someone should make one about what it's REALLY like to be at the Academy...I would enjoy that!
  • I would give this movie a zero

    By Baruch117
    I having lived on Navy and Marine Corpes bases for most of my life, know what the military is and how it works. I hope to attend the United States Naval Academy of 2015 and thus know pretty much all there is to know about the USNA. Having talked with Navy and Marines that have graduated from Annaplois, they know what it's really like there and this movie comes nowhere even close to the real thing.
