Cartman’s deeply disturbing dreams portend the end of the life he knows and loves. The adults in South Park are also wrestling with their life decisions as the advent of AI is turning their world upside down.
By Zerowingx
It was okay but wasn’t as harsh as it could have been I mean come on
Incredible Episode!
By Infotainer
South Park will never lose its luster and never get boring. They are always entertaining as ever and always nail it with current events. This episode and the one following it “Cred” was one of the BEST! I’d love to see South Park spoof the increasingly popular YouTube Channel The Behavior Panel who are featured on Dr. Phil. They’re 4 world-class military body language experts who read the body language of famous celebrities, and I can see how the 4 boys could spoof them.
Keep them coming Trey and Matt! You guys keep giving us the necessary laughs we need in this upside down world today. You two are truly the best around!!!
What 2023 deserves!!!
By LoveDrinkRepeat
If you like Southpark, rest assured you can have a momentary escape BACK into reality as we knew it.
Enjoy this, it will likely never happen again!