In this refreshingly outspoken comedy, two unpopular girls in their senior year start a fight club to try to impress and hook up with cheerleaders.
Almost as funny as…
By pharlan10
I enjoyed this. Although not perfect, this film is hilarious and very well done. The only thing more funny is seeing all these conservative MAGA bros lose their minds over a movie that has nothing to do with them. Cowards.
Rated R but made for people under 18
By allis
Rated R but made for people under 18– how is that ok? Grooming
so funny!
By Funnymya
ayo and rachel are icons
Great film that is obviously getting review bombed
By carelessculture
Apple should not allow folks that have not purchased the product to review it. Having said that, this is a great film. You will laugh if you have a sense of humor.
There are no words for the cringe
By kajjii
Just go watch the highlights on YouTube.
lesbians deserve comedies!
By evelee202
one of the funniest movies i’ve ever seen and quickly becoming a favorite. i love my lesbian losers.
How come, it seems like every same-sex feature on here, has to be of which, the banner photos is of either 2 of them kissing, licking each(certain TV show), or grabbing butts or crotches(recent movie, Bottoms). You don’t regular sex movies showing similar - the me-too movement would scream foul, right?
Is Apple about to bring in Pornhub or what?
Utter trash
By hopeandfreedom117
Horribly acted very homophobic avoid this film
I love it
By Fangorico
More MAGA tears. Lol. I love conservatives getting upset over a movie. Get used to different people because we are going nowhere. Lol. I love the movie and love people getting upset. 🥰🥰Die Mad! Lol