Dungeons & Dragons Honor Among Thieves

Dungeons & Dragons Honor Among Thieves

By Jonathan Goldstein & John Francis Daley

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2023-03-03
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 14min
  • Director: Jonathan Goldstein & John Francis Daley
  • Production Company: Entertainment One
  • Production Country: Canada, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 6.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 3,863 Ratings


A charming thief and a band of unlikely adventurers undertake an epic heist to retrieve a lost relic, but things go dangerously awry when they run afoul of the wrong people in this hilarious and action-packed adventure.



  • Newbie Review

    By Whitesox7
    I have no knowledge of any lore or established details of the D&D brand. I found this movie to be fun with a great sense of humor. The locations looked great and it moved at a good pace. Not too serious but enough weight. I’ll watch again.
  • Doric slays✨

    By jbedford.unc
    I actually was waiting for Doric to wild shape into an owlbear and absolutely destroy Sofina. And when Simon reattempted to court Doric, the “yeah, alright. Calm down” was just FLAWLESS✨ Hope to see more! I still would have loved the movie if Doric wasn’t in it, but still, she is a huge part.
  • This Ain't Your Parents D&D

    By ColoradoTaurus
    Seriously, the people giving negative reviews must've thought they were going to watch a group of people play a tabletop game — like those boring poker tournaments. The visuals were good, the acting was good, and the story was decent — not Oscar worthy, but fun to watch. It's a slow burn, trying to immerse you into the world they created — much like a dungeon master for a game of D&D would. I watched it on Amazon with my brother, and we got a kick out of it. I think it's overpriced, so wait for a sale if you want to buy it. But otherwise, I'd recommend it.
  • Loved it

    By Bryan H., Madison, AL
    Best movie I've seen in awhile -- good pacing, excellent characters, great locations/sets, light-hearted fun, and top-notch CGI. The characters were fantastic -- Chris Pine was incredible -- and the action scenes were very well done, way better than most movies these days. I watched it on streaming with my wife, then watched it again with my teenagers, then bought it to support the part of Hollywood that still knows how to make great movies.
  • plot was kinda sappy and skippable, good movie overall

    By ull777
    definitely had skippable moments good scenes good acting etc this post covid hollywood obsession with having Dominic Turreto scream FAMILY!!!!!! into the viewers ear (metaphorically) every five minutes is a bit tired (its probably all because the feds paid people to make babies but the jury is still out on this one), maybe the sequel should spend more time having party members die off
  • haiku review

    By millhojd
    Tabletop to screen adapts spontaneity lore buoys writing
  • Perfect Family Movie

    By evanbabes
    Full of fun, adventure, suspense and values. A movie that captures imagination with wit and humor. Just when you think they hit a dead end, unexpected solutions and characters show up to save the day. Highly recommended for the whole family.
  • I love this movie

    By Sgtkeebler
    With the release of Baldur’s Gate 3 I just knew I had to watch this movie and I was not disappointed. The actors compliment each other very well, and the jokes do not disappoint. This type of movie makes me love Dungeons and Dragons even more. This movie has that special magic that Guardians of the Galaxy has. I hope they make a second one.
  • Eeehhhh

    By MaddogSquid
    I’m not a D&D person, so it’s not a big deal for me. Flick was ok. A bit heavy on the silly stuff.
  • Doesn’t live up to its name.

    By Irishfella
    So if you enjoyed the cartoon years ago or just play the role playing game then you might have some expectations which will not be fulfilled. It’s light hearted fun and interesting and as a medieval movie it’s enjoyable. It lacks any real heroics because it feels more comedic ( think how to train your dragon ). The reference to DnD is kinda misleading as movie could be just called any medieval type of movie. Overall 3-4 out of 5 for our entertainment and enjoyment ( think wwe wrestling ). Would rent over buy. Definitely not a huge detailed plot but enjoyable.
