Mid-quarantine, Wes Crowley learns that a childhood friend and popular YouTube conspiracy theorist, Toby Blackwood, is missing. He and his friend Luke try to track Toby down and attempt to make sense of what little clues are left behind.
A Rip-Roaring Good Time
By R. Duff
Hang on to your butts. This movie has it all. Gut busting laughs. Edge of your seat suspense. Practical survival skills. All in a tight 87 min of heart felt goodness. Find Toby before he finds you!
I peed a little from watching it.
By Pineapples Pearson
I laughed so hard. This has all the comedy from dead pan to one-liners. Totally relatable as it is pandemic adjacent and yet also spoofy. The acting is world class. Best hour and a half of my life. Just watch it.