A new mother (Oona Chaplin) discovers a lullaby in an ancient book and regards the song as a blessing. But her world transforms into a nightmare when the lullaby brings forth the ancient demon Lilith.
By DarthBuckeeSpock
Silly story, terribly written, poorly executed, and a waste of $5 if there ever was one. Just awful.
Do not recommend
By mojay619
Maybe worth it for a $1 rental.
By Kellygmunroe
Awesome and Scary!
Great horror flick!
By Easyrhino78218
This move is definitely worth a watch. It has decent jump scares, good acting and a back story to the ‘monster’. The magic trio that all scary films need. This is a “slow burn” type of movie, which is the stype I personally prefer. These movies are the types of gems that I hope to find when I explore movies on itunes.
Decent horror movie
By Thatsinconceivable!
Honestly, it wasn’t too bad compared to most horror movies. Interesting plot, good acting, and good movie moments. Not super scary or anything. But (for me) there was way too much ‘baby crying’ and cooing throughout the entire movie and it got very annoying and unnerving, especially while wearing headphones. It seemed way overdone but maybe that’s what they wanted so that we relate to the mother. However, it’s my fault for renting a movie called Lullaby.
You will hate it
By J-Reider
This movie is horrible. It takes a lot for my to hate a horror movie but this the exception. Horrible!! It wasn’t just stupid it was extremely boring. Not like slow burn boring but like nothing actually happens boring. I can’t believe they call this a movie.