

By Baz Luhrmann

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2022-09-26
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 39min
  • Director: Baz Luhrmann
  • Production Company: Warner Bros. Pictures
  • Production Country: Australia, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 3,508 Ratings


A thoroughly cinematic drama, Elvis's story is seen through the prism of his complicated relationship with his enigmatic manager, Colonel Tom Parker. As told by Parker, the film delves into the complex dynamic between the two spanning over 20 years, from Presley's rise to fame to his unprecedented stardom, against the backdrop of the evolving cultural landscape and loss of innocence in America. Central to that journey is one of the significant and influential people in Elvis's life, Priscilla Presley.



  • Actor

    By happy to have itunes
  • Stupid Luhrrman

    By Pick My Boogers Please!
    Baz Luhrrman is along with Michael Bay among the very worst filmmakers of all time, and this movie doesn’t exempt him despite Austin Butler’s amazing performance as Elvis. The first half of this film was hallucinatory garbage with hip hop(!) thrown in to worsen it even more, but the second half was better, as if Luhrrman keeled over from a drug overdose and someone far more competent took over. Tom Hanks was only guilty of acting with a character written by a pompous idiot of a director, and as much as Austin Butler did a good job, I’m glad he didn’t win the Oscar for Best Actor. Because that would’ve given this movie more credit than what it deserves, and feed the nasty and mediocre egomaniac that is Baz Luhrrman
  • Amazing

    By 1gcs
    Austin butlers acting was absolutely amazing in this. The movie was so good my mom and I have at least watched it 30 times.
  • Elvis Presley. The King.

    By *~*Deborah*~*
    I had never heard of Austin Butler before his portrayal of Elvis. It’s clear to see Austin Butler is an amazing and talented actor/singer etc. “Elvis” has made Austin Butler become a star in his own right by his amazing performances of being “Elvis”. I think it’s worth keeping an eye on Austin’s acting career to see where he goes next. Whatever he decides I believe there is much more good to come from him. Tom Hanks is a Star, in every way. He is already a much loved household “name and actor” and a favourite to many. I too love Tom Hanks. The performance Tom Hanks gave was perfect. I never liked the late Col. Tom Parker, and I loathed the way this horrible corrupt con man worked Elvis like a mule, until his death, and then kept trying to cash in on Elvis after he had died. The mark of a great actor and seasoned professional, is to play the character role so well that audiences believe the character, even to the point of hating the actor portraying the character. Tom Hanks is not hated he’s just The Best at what he does. He’s a very beloved actor/celebrity and one of best actor/performer alive today. It was clear that Tom Hanks was the best actor to play such a negative role&character to the best (and worst) that was known as “col. Tom Parker.” In fact; all the actors in “Elvis” were all very believable and portrayed their characters very well. For me, the movie is a modern take on the life of Elvis Presley for a new generation. I love Elvis and have done since I was kid. Watching the retelling of Elvis Presley’s life and death brought a newness to his story and shared things I didn’t know before. Elvis still inspires music today. It is amazing and wonderful see and hear this in the movie. The entire “Elvis” movie is refreshingly presented in a modern Masterpiece kind of way. Well done everyone for bringing Elvis to a new generation and making those of us who remember him, love The King even more (if that could be possible). Lastly: R.I.P. Lisa Marie “Presley.” Your death is as heartbreaking and deeply shocking as your Dads passing was. May you both be in each others arms. Sympathy and Respect to Pricilla Presley, and to all of Lisa Marie’s family and friends.
  • Skip this one. Not about Elvis!!

    By The Ginghamdogandthecalico Cat
    Skip this one. Not really about Elvis. Too too much Tom Parker. It's like a strobe light view of Elvis' life. Nothing substantial.
  • Boring

    By Grandma Kitties
    I am sincerely happy that I didn’t buy this movie so I only wasted $6. Awful movie, awful actors and awful script. I don’t know how Elvis’ ex-wife and daughter okayed this ‘movie’. I wish I could get a refund for the price of the movie and for my wasted time. I kept waiting for the movie to take off but it never did. Too bad I had to leave a one star review. It deserved a big fat ZERO!!
  • Worst movie ever I want my 25 minutes back

    By jacks 6 plus
    I couldn’t continue watching I made it 25 minutes before I pulled the plug
  • Tried 4 times to watch and couldn’t get through it

    By DrScreenplay
    It’s not the snazzy fast paced Baz Luhrman of Romeo and Juliet and I just don’t care about anyone in the story. Acting is not great at all.
  • Legendary film for the king!

    By vegasking
    Loved it and always will keep this
  • Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

    By fart man 2014
    This movie was a biography but the biography is awesome so who ever out there watch this
