The Lost City

The Lost City

By Adam Nee & Aaron Nee

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2022-03-25
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 51min
  • Director: Adam Nee & Aaron Nee
  • Production Company: Watermelon Pictures
  • Production Country: South Korea
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 70 Ratings


Loretta Sage’s novels are filled with ancient tombs and daring adventures, but that doesn’t mean she’s prepared for them in real life. When she is kidnapped by an eccentric billionaire to locate a legendary lost city, Loretta's handsome cover model, Alan, sets off on a heroic but hapless rescue mission. Thrust into an epic thrill-ride through the jungle, the unlikely pair must work together to survive the elements, and survive each other, to find the city's fabled treasure before it’s lost forever.



  • Unfunny and slow

    By jumpstudios
    The trailer for this film was great. The actual movie was not. I was expecting a funny Indiana Jones meets Romancing the Stone. Instead, what should have taken 5 minutes to establish (Sandra bullock’s character having an existential career and love crisis) drags for 30 minutes before she is kidnapped. The characters were too self aware and it’s was almost like the actors were going to break the fourth wall after a joke and confirm “that was funny- right?” Brad Pitt was wasted in his role that was maybe 8 minutes of screen time. It was like they didn’t know what to do with him but thought having him in a silly role would help the movie. I can’t be sure. At the heart of this film was a good message but it’s buried in so many forced jokes and lame dialogue you won’t make it through film and if you do, you won’t care.
  • forgettable

    By century22
    not that good, kind of ok, I guess
  • The Lost City

    By White Dragon3
    Comedy Yes Romance No Lol yes
  • Terrible Pseudo-Knockoff

    By Loquacious Lola
    Went on a date, and he picked this. Immediately, I thought, “who wanted a remake of Romancing the Stone?” Well, that was giving this film entirely too much credit. It can’t even make fun of itself, or fairly call itself a satire of the campy 80s film…or even its sequel! Usually, I love Bullock, but she was too old to be a credible love interest for Tatum, and they don’t really have chemistry. Radcliffe is over-the-top, and the only somewhat funny one is Pitt with the least screen time. Skip!
  • Maybe this will get lost as well

    By Where have all the clowns gone
    Terrible movie that is totally unfunny. Brad Pitt did a great job and was the highlight of the movie, but he only lasted about 5 minutes. Maybe edit the movie to just have his footage. That would make the movie watchable. It gets one star, that’s for Brad, make it a gold star for trying to help make a bad thing good.
  • Entertaining

    By k1121j
    Best pair super entertaining
  • It was good

    By buke👽👾🧛🏻
    I love that we made it like bump bump and bump up that are better and better children getting a world and learn from history second husband
  • Good movie

    By spirits777
    Different. Saw it at the theater. Great actors.
  • Amazing trailer, lackluster movie

    By Wickedabob
    I was blown away by the trailer. The movie and it’s pacing leaves little to be desired, though. This isn’t an awful movie, but I wouldn’t expect much, and would wait for the inevitable &.99 rental. This movie leans full into the CHEESE and Silliness instead of writing witty and interesting characters. Again, not garbage, but a bit dull.
  • Fun and enjoyable

    By Rink333
    Overall good movie, funny at times and better than I originally thought it was going to be. Sandra and Chatum have decent chemistry together but nowhere near as good if they would have casted Ryan Reynolds. Worth the rental fee
