DC Showcase: Constantine - The House of Mystery

DC Showcase: Constantine - The House of Mystery

By Matt Peters & Milo Neuman

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2022-02-24
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 16min
  • Director: Matt Peters & Milo Neuman
  • Production Company: Warner Bros. Animation
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 155 Ratings


After rewriting time and preventing the Apokolips War from happening, John Constantine finds himself imprisoned in the House of Mystery, facing a punishment he does not yet understand. As he explores the House’s labyrinths, he soon finds Zatanna and many friends, but these meetings repeatedly end in his brutal death. Facing an endless loop of his own demise, the ever-brilliant Constantine begins to unravel the path that led to his hellish confinement. Can he outwit his captor and escape, or is he destined to serve his eternal sentence? Plus 3 more animated shorts - Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth!, The Losers, and Blue Beetle.



  • Straight Lie, do not buy

    By John Constantine earth666
    I thought I was purchasing a Constantine feature film not shorts. Shame on WB pictures, shame on the current C.E.O. Just embarrassing, the Constantine short was good that’s why it got the star, because that was good up until it ended in 30 mins.
  • Wast of money

    By Guillermo Bonilla
    This is the biggest miss namer ever. Yes the first mini movie is true to the title, but ends and you have two or three other mini movies to follow that have nothing to do with anything. Waste of time and money.
  • Let Down for sure

    By WOLFy84
    Broken up to short stories and not even related !!Not that I know of anyhow…shouldn’t be Titled Constantine !! It should be titled DC animation presents 4 new shorts .. Also the animation the Constantine short was related to Justice League Dark:Apokolips War should’ve kept the same Animation style also Catwoman: Hunted sucked as well Not a good start for DC animation in 2022 . Luckily the new GL title looks good , but y’all need to step it up that’s the only thing you beat Marvel at Animated Feature Films
  • Do not buy

    By Kasespaces
    It’s not a movie
  • 👎🏽

    By NCJim2010
    I was not a fan.
  • Not a movie

    By lokiito8
    The movie was like 15 min long
  • Not bad

    By GoldenBoy978
    I personally enjoy the all of DC Showcases because of the multiple stories in them. It helps learn about characters I didn’t know about. The artwork of the character was questionable, but I really enjoyed the Constantine story line regardless. Not everyone will agree with me, which is fine but it’s a A+ for me lol 😂
  • Nothing but DC Shorts

    By navyvet2009
    Expected a full, but got DC shorts. Constantine was a short movie that had no excitement, not a difinitive end.
  • Not a movie

    By Turtlebutler
    I bought it thinking it was a new animated Constantine movie, but it's just a bunch of shorts.
  • Misleading dc story shorts they ripped of artist way back

    By KrombopulasMichael
    Typical Dc
