Joe Bell

Joe Bell

By Reinaldo Marcus Green

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2021-07-23
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 33min
  • Director: Reinaldo Marcus Green
  • Production Company: Nine Stories Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America, Switzerland, Luxembourg
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 242 Ratings


From director Reinaldo Marcus Green, along with the Academy Award-winning writing team behind Brokeback Mountain and Academy Award nominee Mark Wahlberg, JOE BELL tells the intimate and heart-wrenching true story of Oregonian father Joe Bell, who embarks on a self-reflective walk across America with his son Jadin, with the hope to raise awareness about the effects of bullying on LGBTQ youth.



  • A beautiful and sincere story

    By tdub
    I'm really shocked at the negative reviews based solely on the story line. If you've watched this film, there is no way anyone could be so horribly bigoted. There is a slow pace to this film, but that is the point. The father is coming to terms with his son's story and that doesn't happen overnight. Going though that with him is part of the experience of this film. Really beautifully done.
  • These comments

    These people in a comment section and deathly not Christians. More like satanist..
  • Exceptionally Good - Walhberg deserves an Oscar

    By ClaireBear4u
    To me, I always considered Mark Walhberg as good actor, never exceptional. And there is nothing wrong with good as good is great…I mean who can argue with good? Well this movie, to me, changes that for him. He shows great range and taps into the everyday man…the everyday man who has a hard time tapping into his emotions and when he finally does, you really see him growing as a person…just as Walhberg is growing as an actor. It’s sad stories like this have to be told but if they are, you want performances like Walhberg’s, as well as the young man who played his son. Exceptional acting and exceptionally good film.
  • Why

    By 0neAutumnLeaf
    I genuinely enjoyed this movie and agree awareness needs to be raised more, I think the actors did a great job too, I just really don’t understand why everyone is giving this movie such hate, like it’s a movie for raising awareness and to shed light on people’s lives who really struggle with bullying, why so much hate? If you didn’t like it explain respectfully or don’t say anything
  • There is no AGENDA when you speak the Truth!

    By Casskat22
    Sadly this true story is one often told~ The one of our youth taking their own lives due to bullying. Reasons of many: to ugly, to fat, to skinny, mental illness, not athletic enough, not smart enough, not straight enough… handicap, different… the list goes on. Add social media, (It’s blatantly obvious in this comment section alone), many have no compassion or filter towards others different than themselves. This teen never received justice and his dad died trying to raise awareness… 🥲 How can we expect parents to do a better job at raising their children when they can’t even hold themselves accountable! As an ex teacher more needs to be done in our school system. We’ve had anti bullying programs for decades and they don’t work! We need one and done policies! If you don’t want to regulate the hate your children spew at school you can educate them at home! This movie is much more than a film for you to view for entertainment! It’s a lesson in life many aren’t taught soon enough! While we all should be able to politely agree to disagree on certain subjects~ one thing is a fact, our lives are worthy of love and kindness~ the old adage’s remain true “LOVE THY NEIGHBOR” and follow the GOLDEN RULE “ Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”! As humans we must do better! EVERYONE needs to stop dividing, stop labeling, stop pointing, stop hating! 🎥 If you want a good movie based on a true story to help open up the dialogue with your teens on how we treat others~ this is it! Accountability is a necessity when navigating life! Karma can weld an evil sword when you cast stones! A’ho! Signed a Human Being, Parent, Foster Parent, Grandparent, Single Parent, Ex Teacher, Coach, Conservative…
  • Very sad

    By Sjm7000
    Very sad story about a dad trying to right a wrong. Great acting.
  • Worse Movie Wahlberg Has Ever Made

    By Tmelt
    I have until now like nearly every movie Mark Wahlberg acted in. This was a bad choice on his part. Just more “fake woke” pablum for American brain donors. No doubt it will win big at the Academy Awards, the sure sign of a bad movie. Save your money and don’t buy or rent it and when it goes to Netflix for free save yourself a couple hours and just hit yourself in the head with a bat, it will be less painful.
  • I think I lasted 30 mins before I had to bale

    By Joe Wolff
    Sorry, while I'm sure the plot was a good one, this movie was not able to capture my interest and I think its the first time I ever stopped a movie I actually paid for without watching till the end.
  • Oh boy

    By BootyGuard671
    Come on mark
  • Joe Bells Mission Continues

    By Tyler_Vossler
    By reading the reviews here on iTunes you can see Joe and Jaydens mission of tolerance continues to this day. Great film by both actors.
