

By Neil Burger

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 2021-04-09
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 48min
  • Director: Neil Burger
  • Production Company: Nota Bene
  • Production Country: Czech Republic, Romania, United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 885 Ratings


Thirty children are sent into space on a multi-generational mission to reach a newly discovered planet. When the one adult on board is killed, the young crew descends into chaos, reverting to their most primitive state of being.



  • Needed better casting and design

    By Juicy Smoke
    The bad guy Zac looked like a rapist/molester even before he turned into the bad guy. So if you like seeing a guy being creepy and murder and try to rape women I guess this movie is for you. Otherwise don’t waste your life on this garbage.
  • An argument for capitalism and monogamy

    By JoeC2047
    OK movie, but a better example of why capitalism and monogamy keep us working, and from killing each other respectively.
  • Okay

    By mocki one
    The stories okay but I did find certain scenes were lacking to get the watcher invested if they would have showed Zack killing the head chief at the time I think that would of added and the Chris and Sia were too murky as well I know it was done on purpose but there were still elements missing.Also with a different score probably would of made a difference as well.
  • Boring

    By Pinedita28
    Boring and depressive, save your money and time.
  • decent

    By dudeithedude
    the concept was great cast good but the slow paced storyline was excruciating to sit through to many new movies are following this concept slow long drawned out social interaction 45 minutes of talking 20 minutes of movie action
  • Better than the ratings here

    By Citizen Sane
    I enjoyed this movie. It's not a remake of "Lord of the Flies" and it manages to be its own movie very well. The premise is simple and doesn't need a ton of explanation, even though there are serious holes in the story and the behavior of the characters is very strange at times. Still it manages to leave an impact and it's well made. The actors do a lot with a very minimal script and the movie leaves you wondering about human behavior..
  • No Twists

    By mrbabes
    Boring and Pointless
  • Just okay

    By Aguarun
    Nothing to scream about. Acting was fine. I’ve seen far worse garbage. This movie’s problem is the story. It is absolutely predictable and very boring. Nothing new or imaginative.
  • Lord of the Flies meets Silent Running

    By GHinNoVa
    I guess there weren’t enough explosions and rapid camera cuts for today’s younger viewing audience, given this film’s low ratings. This movie is a clear homage to William Golding’s 1954 seminal novel; combined with the pacing and setting of the 1972 sify film classic starring Bruce Dern. “The Blue” emotion control drug in Voyagers might be a nod to George Lucas’s first (and only) serious science fiction drama for adults, THX 1138. While it borrows themes and aesthetics from heavier weight works of mixed genre classics, it is a solid little science fiction flick centered on character study and human nature, unbound by societal constraint and the formal rule of law as examined through the disturbing lens of unleashed adolescent barbarism. As a 99 cent rental, it was a pleasant surprise worthy of a lazy afternoon with time to kill.
  • 2 star entertainment

    By Carrerg
    I saw this movie about a month ago and it was predictable. Kind of Lord of the flies, but you know that right away. So it becomes boring and of course the ending is no surprise. But a good popcorn movie if there is nothing else available to watch.
