Cosmic Sin

Cosmic Sin

By Edward Drake

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2021-05-18
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 28min
  • Director: Edward Drake
  • Production Company: 308 Enterprises
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
From 550 Ratings


Bruce Willis and Frank Grillo star in the new epic sci-fi adventure set in the year 2524, four hundred years after humans started colonizing the outer planets. Retired Military General James Ford (Willis) is called back into service after soldiers on a remote planet are attacked by a hostile alien fleet. The threat against the human race escalates into an inevitable interstellar war. General Ford teams up with General Eron Ryle (Grillo) and a team of elite soldiers in a race to stop the imminent attack before it is too late.



  • One of the worst movies ever made!! Why Bruce Why?!

    By chase-miller
    Why Bruce Willis decided to do this movie I will never know. It seems like this movie was done for the paycheck and he was only on set for maybe 2 days tops. The story has potential, but the execution is beyond horrible. You could tell this movie didn't have much of a budget, and it was quickly put together in a short time. The sets, costumes and CGI have no redeeming qualities to them, and so many scenes are edited very poorly. You could even see Bruce Willis's stunt double very noticeably, and they couldn't get Bruce to do all of his own scenes. And to say Bruce Willis sleepwalks through this movie is an understatement. He puts no effort into this movie! I could tell this was a money job and thats it. Even for Frank Grillo, who has nothing to do, this was a money job. Avoid this movie at all costs!
  • Why are they pushing crappy projects in Hollywood still?

    By lofidelityrockr
    Bruce Willis is a legend. Die Hard made him a household name on the big screen. Frank Grillo, while a relative newcomer is making a name for himself, even if it seems he is doing so by being the other guy in Bruce Willis films lately. But lately, both of them are just in this habit Hollywood has of churning out script after crappy script of stuff that would never have passed preproduction with these actors 5-10 years ago. Bruce Willis has been in a few movies in the past couple of years where you ask yourself, “who did he lose a bet to?” and, “wasn’t his last movie just like this?” Sadly, Willis is among a handful of veteran male actors who are getting pushed on writers to create a lead role for, whether it is for them or not. Nicolas Cage is another. These are facts that have been mentioned in interviews with writer/director teams who were denied funding unless they practically rewrote scripts to accommodate Bruce or Nicolas as leads no matter what the subject matter and if they were even skilled for the lead. At this point you can’t trust seeing top names in these titles and think, “sweet!! This will be a winner.” The price keeps dropping and more and more people are feeling suckered by the star-power driving viewership. Hollywood has gotten really stale and there are good projects out there not getting funded to this day because they refuse to cowtow to the unimaginative crap the studios want to waste money on. This is one such project
  • Terrible

    By mass1967
    Possibly the worst movie ever
  • Great movie for $6.99

    By Trapboifuse
    Y’all wanna watch a blockbuster movie for the low bra you get what you pay for, so for six bucks can’t beat it with a stick. I like it 5 stars
  • A true Cosmic Sin

    By Racer3D
    This movie in and of itself is a Cosmic Sin, it is hard to determine what is even going on and why. The trailers for the movie are far better than the movie.
  • Bruce what have you done?

    By RickBTX
    Bruce, Bruce, Bruce, what have you become. The name of this pile of crap is ironic. It really was a cosmic sin and should be banished from the universe as soon as possible, preferably at light speed.
  • Worst Sci-do Movie Ever

    By G---Man
    Must have been written and directed by a high school drama student. Poor Bruce Willis. Someone must have blackmailed him into acting in it, or did it as a favor to a friend. It had all the elements of a textbook sci-fi drama, and it felt like it came from a textbook. If asking for my money back was an option, I would not ask for it back because I feel sorry for the actors that thought this would be a stepping stone for their careers. They need to keep my money to pay for a better agent.
  • Awful

    By Puck
    Just awful.
  • ...

    By hosrey
    Very vety tokhmi
  • Wth Face slap

    By ghostb72
    Should have rented it from the Redbox first bought it thought it would be a good movie wish I could return it or get my money back horrible acting started out ok then it just got worst. Only gave it one star cuz Bruce Willis was in it geez 🙄 would have rated it zero if I could, what is happing to Hollywood just coming out with crappy writing and movies, actors. Geez I think 🤔 lol start buying 80s movies again. Geez 🙄
