The Legend of Drunken Master

The Legend of Drunken Master

By 劉家良

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2000-10-20
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 42min
  • Director: 劉家良
  • Production Company: Orange Sky Golden Harvest
  • Production Country: Hong Kong
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 980 Ratings


Jackie Chan stars in this action-packed martial arts blockbuster. In turbulent China before World War I, the collapse of the Manchu Dynasty fuels violent uprisings and political chaos--the perfect setting for a grand-scale smuggling ring led by an unscrupulous British consul. When the ring plots to steal China's crown jewels only one man--legendary "Drunken Fist" master Huang Fei-hung (Chan)--possesses the courage and ferocity to stop the ruthless gang.



  • Such a disappointment.

    By -Jett-
    I’ve been waiting for this movie to come to iTunes for YEARS and when it finally arrives, it’s the crappy old version. Can’t believe I’ve waited this long just for this disappointment. The newer English version is 10x better. Not just sound quality, but the lines are way different and make more sense.
  • Not the Jackie Chan version

    By bigdrew1478
    I hate giving this movie a 1 star but this version is not the Jackie Chan version and for that this DOWNLOAD is NOT Worth the money 💔
  • How to ruin one of my favorite movies 101

    By shalemaa
    What is this voice over… I got it to show my son he was excited and I’m annoyed cause you can’t return these smh please find the correct voice over cause this isn’t it.
  • Have been waiting so long

    By Chunky Baxter / gammon
    For dm2, nice1
  • Not the version we wanted…

    By lfarris91
    This isn’t the version you’re looking for… I was so pumped to see this available, but sadly it’s been redubbed. Terribly. 👎🏻 So disappointing! Refund requested. I’m not interested in this version. It’s just too different. Completely takes me out of the movie and ruins the experience. Also, like everyone says, the audio just cuts out at the end. Super unfortunate since this is one of my favorite martial arts movies! Bring Jackie’s dub back AT LEAST!
  • Interesting

    By Tekkaman Blade 2.150
    I never knew that there was another English version of this movie until I check it out but it makes since because its an older version before being rereleased. So after seeing this movie, I enjoyed every moment of it regardless if it was in different English audio or not but I could not help but ponder what happened to the last couple minute of the movies audio that just went quiet at the very end don’t know if it was because it was lost or a glitch.
  • Not The Master You Want

    By twnslick
    It pains me to give this one star. I promise you, it’s not the movie itself, it’s just this version. The English dub of this one is NOT done by Jackie Chan. I don’t know who did this one, but it’s REALLY bad. It’s heartbreakingly bad. I don’t know what is going on, but skip the digital version for the moment. Maybe they’ll figure it out.
  • #jackiechanfan

    By karatedude14
    One of the best classic jackie chan flicks ever. My Fav. Version is the Miramax/Dimension Films Version (U.S. Release) But Not Golden Harvest/Warner Bros Version. (HK Version) Add Back Twin Dragons & Jackie Chan's Who Am I?
  • Not the Jackie Chan audio version!

    By rockq2
    The dvd with Jackie's English overdubbing is much more charming than the bland actor overdubbing Jack in the iTunes version. Also be warned that the last minute of the movie contains no audio and has the origional sad fate for Jackie's character. Let's jst say he paid the price for drinking too much. You're better off getting the dvd for a more pleasant experiece.
  • No audio

    By Perkidanman
    I was so excited about this being available. When I got to the end though, there’s no audio! I wish this was the version with Jackie Chan dubbing but the fact that this has no audio for the last few minutes is so frustrating!
