

By Nat Faxon & Jim Rash

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2020-02-14
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 26min
  • Director: Nat Faxon & Jim Rash
  • Production Company: Gainsborough Pictures
  • Production Country: United Kingdom
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
From 85 Ratings


Barely escaping an avalanche during a family ski vacation in the Alps, a married couple is thrown into disarray as they are forced to reevaluate their lives and how they feel about each other. Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Will Ferrell star in this biting comedy.



  • Awful

    By Ravenretail
    This movie was awful, it wasn’t funny. The story line was bad. Waste of time and money.

    By SWeidman122
    Downhill Review: Downhill is the remake of the 2014 Swedish film Force Majeure following a family barely escaping an avalanche during a ski vacation in the Alps. After the events, Billie (Dreyfus) and Pete (Farrell) are thrown into disarray as they are forced to reevaluate their lives and how they feel about each other. This played at Sundance however we missed it because we already had tickets to another movie, a pretty bad one may I add. In downtown Park City they advertised Downhill everywhere and even had a shop for it. The reviews came in the next day from critics and they said it was just ok. A few weeks later now and audiences are absolutely hating it giving it a 14% and a D CinemaScore. I don't know if it's just me but I enjoyed Downhill a lot more than I thought and what most people thought. I think the main problem people have with it is the tone. With the comedic talent of Dreyfus and Farrell, most everyone was expecting a comedy. Every time someone leaves the theater whenever I'm working, almost everyone says "I thought it would be funnier" or "That was really weird". Even one person got so furious at us and went on a long rant almost claiming that it was our fault. Needless to say, this is a drama with some light hearted moments. It's not just a comedy. With the subject matter I could hardly see it being a full on comedy. Being a skier I found some parts to be pretty funny because I could relate to some of it. Even the other humor I thought was funny. Miranda Otto's character is either going to be pretty funny or pretty stupid to some. Otto had a funny performance to me and she did fairly well. I could almost say the same thing for Will Farrell's character. The whole film is kind of choosing who's side your on and if you don't like Farrell's choices it might just hold an affect on his whole character. I thought he had his comedic moments and did well. Obviously it's not his most amazing role ever, but for more of a drama I think it's a good suited role for him. However nothing compared to Julia-Louis Dreyfus's performance. She gave it her all. This is an early prediction but others have been saying this as well. It would be great to see her get a nomination for the Golden Globes next year. She really can put on a good fight scene that's realistic and emotional. I think people just look too much at the negatives for this film. To me there's more positives than negatives. Like before, there's good acting and I thought the screenplay was good. Many negative reviews compare it to the original international film and how it's not ad good as it. There's rarely a time where an adaptation from an international film to an English film is even better. The cinematography with the beautiful scenery is just gorgeous to look at. There's a nice contrast of the blue sky with the white snow. Volker Bertelmann's score is really good and I've been listening to it for a couple weeks now. It's fun, sounds like winter, and there's inspiration from traditional music that originates from the Alps. Overall it's just a really good score and maybe, once again another early prediction, it could potentially get a notation. Of course there's some negatives. The runtime is really short and I think there would be some benefits with extending it a little more. Some characters needed a little more development, and I think the marketing could've been better as it said it would be more of a comedy. The tone sometimes was a little uneven but I didn't mind that too much. Downhill is getting too much of a bad rap and it's honestly not that bad. I'd recommend it for a fast film to watch and it's pretty enjoyable to watch. My Grade: B+
  • Will Ferrell Fan

    By movierater182
    I am a big Will Ferrell fan and I am upset he was a part of such a terrible movie. It pains me to say this is definitely the worst movie I have ever seen.
  • 🤮

    By rasta-far
    Just terrible, easy to see what’s coming, and then at times the movie was all over the place. Will Ferrells worst movie so far, he honestly looked half dead 💀
  • Not funny at all

    By Nana5678
    Horrible unfunny movie.
  • Boring

    By Jacob_loves_you
    Just don’t waste your time
  • Pointless

    By downey419
    No plot or story to it just a couple arguing
  • 😳

    By Zerowingx
  • Not a Comedy

    By TJP-5
    In no way could this be considered a comedy. I did chuckle twice but even those were more from obligation than anything else. Why anyone would get any entertainment watching two married people not like each other is beyond me. I iwsh I had read the reviews before renting this. If you are reading this ... it's worse than I am making this out to be. Watch something else. Please.
  • I want my money back

    By Code4led
    If this was free, I would want my money back. Julia cannot keep up with Will in comedy and it's dreadfully painful to watch. The movie is slow and never develops; it drags on and on to the point of no hope in it ever getting better. It's all over the place with plot, the characters are boring and never develop. The kid roles have no purpose and the child actors have no personality. It's a trainwreck long before the avalanche. I literally found myself not caring one way or the other just as long as it was over.
