This raunchy horror comedy delves deep into the story of a deranged killer as he slashes his way across a soft core porno. Who will last the longest as the stiffs pile up and the killer plows through his victims?
Insane(ly) Fun!
By BabyPants
Take my word for it. This movie is really funny and really crazy. You can trust me.
Deep Murder rocks!
By CarrieHiVoltage
I love this movie! I'm not exaggerating when I say I laughed through every scene. It's smart-dumb comedy and its finest. I also really don't like horror movies, but this is so much less a slasher film than it is super silly satire, and I was totally onboard for even the goriest bits because of how well the tone is set. Definitely bound to become a cult classic!
Fricking hilarious!
By IamJoshisme
This movie is classic! It will have you quoting lines for years to come! Watch it with friends and die laughing!! So good!
Hilarious Film
By Wedgelence
This is one of those films that is an instant classic. Hope you enjoy as much as I did!
Saw at LA Film Festival
By D12847383
This is a hilarious, surprising movie that blends Porn with the movie Pleasantville. Check out this genre bending horror comedy.