Mortal Engines

Mortal Engines

By Christian Rivers

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2018-12-14
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 8min
  • Director: Christian Rivers
  • Production Company: Scholastic Productions
  • Production Country: New Zealand, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 4,750 Ratings


Visionary filmmaker Peter Jackson presents a startling new adventure unlike any you've seen before. Hundreds of years after our civilization was destroyed, a new world has emerged. A mysterious young woman named Hester Shaw leads a band of outcasts in the fight to stop London – now a giant predator city on wheels – from devouring everything in its path. Mortal Engines stars Hera Hilmar, Robert Sheehan, Jihae Kim, Hugo Weaving, and Stephen Lang.



  • Highly under-appreciated. Really beautiful movie.

    By AndenV
    It may seem predictable, but that is not always a bad thing. This movie is incredibly beautiful and the actors portraying Tom and Hester deliver excellent performances. As well as the character Anna Fang. Very much worth watching more than once A beautiful world is shown here. And poignant messages.
  • What ScienceFiction is all about .

    By Bio-Mechanoid Agent
    These days everybody want to be a critic about character developments and such things, etc etc etc . SteamPunk Hardware Action at its best . Just enjoy the movie .
  • If you liked the book

    By DharmaKing
    If you liked the book you will likely enjoy this movie. True the books are always a bit better but visually this move does a great job. The acting is strong and the story is fun. They did change a few things perhaps they should not have but if you are making I e stand alone film from the book then I still feel they did a pretty good job. Great female main character and a fun ride of a story.
  • A Joke

    By axelroark
    Really really really bad script and the acting was humorous. Mostly unwatchable.
  • Awesome

    By nolan reeve
    One of the best movies I’ve ever seen. I definitely recommend for those who like action/apocalyptic movies.
  • Loved it.

    By Pr063n1t0r
    Fun story. Great effects. Shame it lost money at the box office. I would have enjoyed sequels.
  • Not the best, not the worst

    By lunatix4
    Peter Jacksons movies since Lord of the rngs have been hit or miss pretty much and this one really is an exercise in the miss department. Its not terrible but the fleshing out of characters is a major mistep and you never really care enough about any of them to worry when they get into trouble. Even the major deaths are pretty hollow. The story itself is a good premise, but motivations are just not there for any of the characters. The only character I really cared about was a cyborg bad guy and that really sums up the film. Good special effects but not much else.
  • Great Film!

    By bikram23
    Amazing CGI! I haven’t read any of the books but I thought the film was really enjoyable. Great action and good story line. I think this film is highly underrated.
  • I liked it

    By Lcempj
    I enjoyed it but didn't get the point of being on moving cities. I think if you want to see some good shows about moving cities then you should watch Gargantia on the verdurdus planet and Children of the whales. The animes have better reasons for living on a moving city.
  • Hated every bit of it, but low key it’s hilarious how bad it is

    By ilistentomusic(obviously)
    Did not do the novel any justice. Horrible script, nonsensical storyline, and very, very poor work on the characters. Amazing visuals, but that’s pretty much it. No effort put into making this even a decent film at all.
