Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich

Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich

By Sonny Laguna & Tommy Wiklund

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2018-08-17
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 30min
  • Director: Sonny Laguna & Tommy Wiklund
  • Production Company: Zero Trans Fat Productions
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 13.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 149 Ratings


Edgar is recently divorced and returns to his childhood home where he finds a nefarious looking puppet in his deceased brother’s room. He decides to sell the doll for some quick cash at a small-town convention celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the infamous Toulon Murders. All hell breaks loose when a strange force animates the puppets at the convention, setting them on a bloody killing spree that’s motivated by an evil as old as time. Starring Thomas Lennon, Jenny Pellicer, Udo Kier, Barbara Crampton and Michael Pare, Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich “brings puppet carnage and mayhem to insane new heights” (Bloody-Disgusting).



  • Way too fun

    By Jbinindy
    A must watch for horror fans. Sure the plot is ludicrous but any movie with the Doctor from Human Centipede is going to be insane. The production values and acting surprisingly good and the kill scenes are a sight to behold. Totally worth a rental!
  • Incredibly offensive and tasteless

    By MicroDragon85
    It’s an extremely distasteful movie about nazi puppets committing disgusting hate crimes. Despite that, I loved this movie. The acting wasn’t too shabby (the main character is played by the main cop from Reno 911), the main characters were likable, the movie looks good, the puppets are creative, some of the jokes are really funny, the blood and gore is extreme and well executed, and there is some great action. It’s definitely not scary, but the gore is stomach turning and it’s one of the better horror movies I’ve seen in a long time. Ive never seen puppet master and this movie felt like a good place for a newbie to start. I liked it so much I will probably buy this on Blu-ray eventually.
  • Please...don’t.

    By fdefunct
    As a huge fan of the first films I was excited when I heard about an upcoming reboot. I wish this had slipped by unnoticed, as this movie only caused severe disappointment. If you watch this as a fan of the original movies, you’ll be extremely upset to see what they’ve done with your favorite characters, the puppets. Here they are essentially just cannon fodder, with no personality. They’re not even unique, there are multiples of each puppet, so you have no reason to be invested in them. If you’re watching this as a fresh viewer, with no knowledge of the previous movies...watch something else. Obviously this won’t be up for an academy award, but this isn’t even fun as B horror flick.
  • Go watch the first 3 movies instead.

    By LookWhatDrewDrew
    I don’t understand why this movie received any positive praise, let alone so much. It’s so poorly made. The directing is lazy, the script is boring, the acting of every single performer is stilted and feels uncomfortable, the editing feels rushed and confusing, the death scenes are by the numbers and the entire film is humorless. Also what’s with the poor design of the puppets? They look terrible. Why is it that 3 low-budget Charles Band-produced straight-to-video movies are so much better than this moderately-budgeted, well-cast modern update? Even if you’re a hardcore horror fan or a devotee of the franchise, you may want to skip this one.
  • Not recommended

    By jonnydddddd
    I never give ratings but in this case I make an exception: Go see another horror movie, please!
  • Way too over the top

    By AidenDPearce
    I’ve loved this series since the beginning but around PM 8 or 9 they just started getting ridiculous. I had high hopes for this one as it had rave reviews and I really dug the new looks of the characters but it ended up being super ridiculous. It’s fun and entertaining until the killing starts and then it just goes overboard with murder after murder in the goriest fashions, but not in a good way. Plus that ending?? Seriously? So lame😒
  • a must watch!

    By sam becket
    it starts off kinda slow but once the puppets start slaying, the pacing picks up! This is a friday night slasher watch!
  • A lot of fun🎉👺🤡☠️

    By H.. P..
    In a really messed up way
