

By Jeff Tomsic

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2018-06-15
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 40min
  • Director: Jeff Tomsic
  • Production Company: Takao
  • Production Country: Japan
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 353 Ratings


One month every year, five highly competitive friends hit the ground running in a no-holds-barred game of tag they’ve been playing since the first grade—risking their necks, their jobs and their relationships to take each other down with the battle cry “You’re It!” This year, the game coincides with the wedding of their only undefeated player, which should finally make him an easy target. But he knows they’re coming…and he’s ready. Based on a true story, “Tag” shows how far some guys will go to be the last man standing.



  • Hilarious

    By Trusttheprocess215
    Most of the people in these comments must be fun at parties! It’s got some very funny parts & the story Is decent.
  • Fun Movie

    By MaverickC17
    Watch it. It is a fun movie. Had me lol’ing.
  • A surprising AWESOME film!

    By nbvideo
    Words cannot express how much I enjoyed this film. The trailers looked great, but the film blew me away with how hilarious it was! I need more time to pass, but this may be one of the funniest films I have seen, and that is saying a lot.
  • Just love this movie

    By alissa914
    All the characters.. everyone did a great job here... and I love Isla Fisher as Anna (?), Hogan's wife. If there were any complaints, it would be Hannibal Burress and Rashida Jones. Hannibal was fine... but he just seems to have no chemistry with anyone.... and Rashida Jones was just awkward in the film. Normally, I like when she's in things, but here it seems like it just didn't fit as well as it should have. BUT, Jeremy Renner is excellent as is everyone else. So much fun to watch this film. I could watch this over and over again and not get tired of it.
  • Tag it!

    By Dellamonroe
    This film is definitely underrated. If you want a good laugh, check it out.
  • Tannner

    By tannerduniho
    Tannner Duniho
  • Loved It!

    By Mysterious Birb
    Took me forever to watch it but actually loved it. Thought it was really funny though I was not sure if it would be good but it was really good!
  • Fun movie to watch with friends

    By Tanner25Cook
    This movie was really quite funny! Great job to everyone involved!
  • the movie

    By Kaitiekoo
    this movie was amazing thank you very much so everyone who's says "it's for 12 year olds" you can all go sucka fat one cause your stupid
  • Very good

    By chriswiraq
    I thought this was very good and funny. Also people on here don’t seem to realize this movie is based on a true story.