Paul, Apostle of Christ

Paul, Apostle of Christ

By Andrew Hyatt

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2018-03-23
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 48min
  • Director: Andrew Hyatt
  • Production Company: Outside Da Box
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 361 Ratings


Paul, who goes from the most infamous persecutor of Christians to Christ’s most influential apostle, spends his last days awaiting execution by Emperor Nero in Rome. Paul is under the watchful eye of Mauritius, Mamertine Prison’s ambitious prefect, who seeks to understand how this broken old man can pose such a threat. As Paul’s days grow shorter, he feverishly works from prison to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and embolden his followers to stand strong in their faith against Roman persecution far greater than has ever been seen.



  • Don’t believe RT

    By rehabilitated_troll
    I don’t know why this film has such a low rating from the critics. It was very well done. The writing, direction, and acting were all solid. Anyone who’s a fan of St. Paul will love this movie. And Jim Caviezel does a typical outstanding turn in a supporting role as St. Luke. Bottom line is, Christian films are getting more and more sophisticated these days. To the point where it’s just a film, and you don’t feel like you’re getting beat over the head with the Bible. Don’t believe the reviews.
  • $uch @n !n+ere$+!n' rel!g!0u$ m0v!e

    By Jolovesgum
    Mii & m0m enj0yed P@ul, @p0$+le 0f Chr!$+ l@$+ n!gh+ 0n 0c+0ber 13, 2019 & Eye w!ll m@ke +h!$ Chr!$+!@n m0v!e $0 p0pul@r !n my he@d 4ever.
  • Love

    By Allybro
    The love Christ has for us is what this movie stands for. It brings hope for todays culture from years ago. This movie will spark hope and peace in your heart.
  • A Light in Dark Times

    By SeattleMoose
    We live in dark times. I have found myself drawn more and more to Christian movies while no longer watching the "big movies" out of Hollywood. As such I found this gem about the faith of post-Jesus disciples trying to survive in a Rome that was purely demonic led by the chief demon-possessed emperor, Nero. The acting is top nothch here. This movie defines what "faith" means. Today more than ever, I find myself drawn to Christian films more than ever as darkness sweeps the planet. High recommend.
  • Paul, Apostile of Christ

    By llsmith9696
    Beautifully done. Thank you
  • It changed me for the better.........

    By Ladyk79
    Beautifully done .....I cried..... i wanna do better.
  • An Incredible Peak in to a Short Window of Christian History

    By schaam626
    💛👍🏻This is a depiction of the final days of Paul’s life. While I would really love to counter what some of the lower rated reviews complain about, I’ll just say, go in to this with a clean slate of expectations. Two hours is hardly enough time to tell the whole story of the early church & how great of an affect Paul had on them. But this movie will give you a much clearer idea of how the early Christians in Rome were living & how run down Paul might have been. I’m very thankful to have seen this and will definitely watch again. 👍🏻💛
  • A total time waster!

    By drinkjoy
    Please find something better to waste your time and money on! This movie is trash, total disappointment and has nothing to do with the glorious truth of the Gospel. Yes, I am a spirit filled, devoted christian and ap. Paul is my hero, but this movie is far from the spirit of victory and joy which the Gospel of Christ was appointed to introduce into our earthly lives! This movie only shows the human impotence to present the glory of Christ revealed in the life of the greatest apostle ever! It’s creators don’t have a clue of the spiritual power and ecstatic joy the early church use to possesses, and were entirely depended on their worldly humanistic, understanding and wisdom in making it! It is shame when we see what they can create when it comes to movies like Star Wars, Spiderman, The Matrix and etc, but when it comes to the greatest accomplishment ever granted to the human race (Christ in us the hope of glory) revealed trough the Gospel which Paul preached, it looks like they are totally deprived of any creative inspiration!
  • Huge Let down

    By Tkindle
    I was expecting to see a movie about a man on fire for Christ, preaching everywhere he went with boldness, miracles, signs, and wonders following through every trial and tribulation you could think of. But all I saw was a scared church in Rome, and an old guy being tormented by his past. HUGE LET DOWN!! This is not the Paul I would have ever imaged in the book of Acts. This movie could have had so much potential, but it clearly didn't live up to it. I couldn't even make it halfway through the movie without turning it off. I'm not even one to post a review like this, but I just feel so let down after reading Acts all week. I garentee you Luke and the Church of Rome were not living in fear of death, they were all ready to lay their lives down at any moment, no question! COME ON NOW!!!!
  • Well done, thoght provoking

    By BR13N
    Very nicely done (not typical kitchy!), great casting, acting and thought provoking.
