Red Sparrow

Red Sparrow

By Francis Lawrence

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 2018-03-02
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 20min
  • Director: Francis Lawrence
  • Production Company: Chernin Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 6,036 Ratings


Jennifer Lawrence is Dominika, a former ballerina forced to enter Sparrow School, a secret government program that trains young recruits to manipulate, seduce and kill. She emerges as a dangerous agent, but is trapped in a world she desperately wants to escape. With the lives of her loved ones at risk, Dominika must find a way to take back control and serve justice to those who betrayed her.



  • Excellent film

    By CatEyeDieselLB7
    This movie was way underrated by critics. Probably the best film Jen has done. I hope they make a sequel.
  • Just an excuse to show perverse scenarios

    By Easy_Churlish
    Super boring played out plot. Lots of real world propaganda too.
  • Brilliant and beautiful to look at

    By schumerfan
    JLaw is really fantastic in this and it’s a very intelligent thriller
  • Did the movie deliver?

    By ixworks
    I think it did. She was going to do what she wanted, not providing sex to anyone the state wanted and she showed she held the power still. Say what you want; reality is ugly sometimes. Beheadings, rapes, murder. etc happen daily. Stop being prudish on the “gratuitous” content because of its shock value, be critical of the acting if that’s your thing. I would see this movie again on Netflix or other streaming service.
  • Serious Film

    By Neophyte YT Music User
    A very unsympathetic film. Pulls very few punches. Enjoyed most of it. The Charlotte Rampling segment could have been done differently imo. Jennifer Lawrence was very good. Worked best without having an equally well-known male co-star. First film seen with Jennifer Lawrence. Overall, the film was quite good. Would watch again a number of times (skipping some parts).
  • Was expecting this to be bad, ... but surprisingly ...

    By Aotearoa.Kiwi
    I was expecting this to be bad, ... but surprisingly ... it was really good, from the great actors, Jennifer Lawrence doing well ( not great ) and twist and turns, ... not qualified for language comments and we have to remember that non-native ( Russian, French, ... ) speakers cannot be expected to have a perfect Russian / Moscow / St. Pete. Accent. Good role models / characters built and developed, good plot and sub-plots, great length, very good value for money.
  • movieetimee

    By TiniiMinii
    i lovee it!!
  • They need to warn people about the rape scene that is in it before people watching this movie

    By Danny girl O9 29 77
    The red sparrow
  • Thank you, haters

    By vettehead
    Because of the hater critics(paid & unpaid), I only rented this. All through the movie , I was waiting for the "gratuitous sex", "rape ( 1 ahem, aborted, scene)", and nudity ( saw 1 boob, part of a butt, the rest carefully shot to miss the naughty bits)...I LOVED this movie, though I thought JLaw was a bit wooden most of the time. Then, again , the subject matter kinda lent the mood, so, ultimately forgiveable. If it weren't for the overly sensitive critics( who probably shouldn't have been watching anyway)(too many prantheses?)(too bad, it's how I think).I wouldn't have spent the money on the rental(as soon as the erntal period is over, I am going to actually purchase the download). So, thank you guys, I enjoyed this. If you felt traumatized by this, maybe you should exercise a bit more care in your choices of entertainment (unless you LIKE to be traumatized)(hmmm).
  • Unimpressed

    By jayteehawaii
    This cover image of the movie makes you think it’s an action packed movie, when it ain’t. Don’t get me wrong, i’m a huge fan of any action movies that puts out a female protagonists. I love the actress and/or the main protagonists, but this film of hers just doesn’t suit me very well. If you’re wondering why I’m giving it three stars, continue to read on. .. The reason why I subtract the fifth star is because there is a lot of talking in this film. The genre itself does sorta say “action”. I assumed it was an action packed movie because of that. I enjoy all of the other Jennifer Lawrence’s films but this one. I took away the fourth star because the movie moved quite slow in my opinion. I would say most of the movie showed the actors chatting up a storm. I expected more from this movie, especially with a stunning actress like Jennifer Lawrence. Overall, the movie was okay.. could’ve been way better though, that is all.
