The China Hustle

The China Hustle

By Jed Rothstein

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2018-03-30
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 24min
  • Director: Jed Rothstein
  • Production Company: 2929 Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 81 Ratings


Update: The Trump Administration is looking to limit Chinese companies access to U.S. stock exchanges. A lack of transparency in ownership and finances is at the heart of their concerns. Markets, pensions and retirement funds could all feel the impact. From the producers of Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room comes a Wall Street heist story about a still-unfolding financial crime so big, it has the power to affect all of our wallets. Investors on the fringes of the financial world feverishly seek new alternatives for high-return investments in the global markets, and have found a goldmine in China. But when one investor discovers a massive web of fraud, everything else is called into question. Jed Rothstein’s documentary rings the alarm on the need for transparency in an increasingly deregulated financial world by following those working to uncover the biggest heist you’ve never heard of.



  • Exceptional

    By Libby New
    A must see, entertaining, important, continually-relevant watch.
  • Really helpful film about what to look out for with your retirement accounts

    By WhatMatterMost$$
    If a company only has a ticker symbol on a US stock exchange but no US business, if that company maintains its accounting records in that country, if that country has very little accounting oversight, should we be scared that those companies accounting is true and accurate? If it is not accurate what happens to the stock once the deception is found out? What happens to the retirement accounts for US citizens that have it in their portfolio? Important film to say the least! Enjoy and learn!
  • Good Doc

    By Agoodalbum
    Recommended if stocks, China, and investigative stories are your thing.
  • Thank you Alex Gibney

    By NoFoodForYou748393
    Another eye opening piece of work.
  • Among the worst documentaries on financial frauds that I've seen

    By Jbutt2002356
    This was overly simplistic, the "protagonists" seem shockingly uninformed and basic, and the magnitude of the problem is never clearly defined. You expect to hear from intelligent, sophisticated people when watching a documentary on a topic like this. I don't want to hear joe the plummer tell me about derivatives trading and international securities fraud. This entire film could be distilled into 5-10 minutes or a one-page article explaining that lax securities regulation in the US and China allowed unvetted Chinese firms to list on public US stock exchanges and fabricate their performance. There, I just did it in a SENTENCE. Furthermore, as an American who owns and operates a company in China, let me just say that the characterization of the Chinese business culture was about as nuanced and accurate as saying that American culture can be encapsulated by the love of the flag, guns, jesus, and Pabst Blue Ribbon. That is to say, what is portrayed is generally accurate but only a tiny fraction of the total picture.
  • Be aware

    By Jchampion87
    Great film! Vindicates some thoughts serious investors might have had on China. Please, do not invest in a foreign country with out doing some due diligence. Real due diligence as the characters in the film did.
  • I'm in awe!!

    By Nicky W.
    This is an eye opener for sure! Now it is time to make some money shorting these companies.
  • “The rich get richer, the poor get the picture.......”

    By EHNorquist
    I continue to be amazed about the lack of concern or awareness of uncontrolled greed through lack of regulation on the backs of others. Another great film that tells the story of Wall Street not taking care of Main Street.
  • Snooooozer

    By LVB5
    I thought this movie was disjointed, slow and simply not very interesting. The victims weren’t compelling, the Chinese perps were not relatable and the hero’s seemed pretty unlikable. I had trouble staying awake after 20 min or so.
  • Must Watch, Preview of China Crash to Come

    By Eugene Hausenfaus
    The superstars of shining a light on China fraud- Chanos, Block and others. As Chanos says, there has never been such a credit buildup and expansion as has happened in China without a crash. The China Crash is coming. Finally, great to have highlighted Alibaba.
