

By Brandon Christensen

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2018-02-09
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 26min
  • Director: Brandon Christensen
  • Production Company: Hadron Films
  • Production Country: Canada
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 149 Ratings


Losing a child is at birth is devastating, but having a child is horrifying. Mary, a young newlywed, has the perfect life with her husband before she loses one of her twins at birth. The loss takes a toll on her emotionally and she starts to take medication to help her cope. As Mary begins to lose her handle on what’s real and what is imaginary, she spirals into a deep psychosis that convinces her a supernatural entity is out to take her only child.



  • Solid Horror Flick

    By SeattleMoose
    Good story, good acting, and passable CGI. Kept me intested until the end. More than I can say from 90% of new movies. I bought it and will definitely watch it again.
  • Nope

    By kljsdflkjaslkfjklsjd
    Genuinely awful. Cheap jump scares and thin plot. Started reading a magazine about halfway through because I was bored.
  • Boring, predictable, and not scary

    By hl dertio
    I was extremely disappointed in this movie. There was a lot of attempts at cheap scares. It was predictable and dragged on for way too long. I do not recommend this movie at all.
  • It was.....just “okay.”

    By Joey=710=
    This movie was creepy more than “scary.” It has its fair share of “jump scares,” which normally irk me to no end, as I feel it’s a film makers attempt at doing something the story itself can not do. I’ll give it a solid...”Meeeeeeh” for the effort.
  • Hmm

    By A+ Watermelon
    It's the American Babadook remake without any original scares and a pretty shallow plot. Watch it If you like jump scares, very little explanation, and an unsatifying ending that felt like any one of the last jump scares could have been the final scene.
  • Amazing!!!

    By Mswally505
    Horror fan and loved this movie!! Simple plot idea that really keeps you on the edge of your seat until the end. Believe the hype! If you like horror/thrillers, rent this!!!
  • Good horror thriller

    By Nottabutdoit
    Feels like it could have been a little better but they do a good job. Is it just me or could this entire movie been just as effective with it the still born child story line?
  • Worth the watch

    By Manderlerf
    Id give it a 7/10. Very well made. Replay quality isnt there but deff worth a rent.
