Roman J. Israel, Esq.

Roman J. Israel, Esq.

By Dan Gilroy

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2017-11-22
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 2min
  • Director: Dan Gilroy
  • Production Company: Culture China - Image Nation Abu Dhabi Fund
  • Production Country: United Arab Emirates, United States of America, Canada, China
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,291 Ratings


Roman J. Israel, Esq. is a dramatic thriller set in the overburdened Los Angeles criminal court system. Denzel Washington stars as a driven, idealistic defense attorney whose life is disrupted when a turbulent series of events challenge the activism that has defined his career. Colin Farrell costars as the ambitious, monied lawyer who recruits Roman to his firm.



  • Rotten tomatoes gets it wrong again

    By Espike01
    It’s a good character, twisting narrative and a good message about our legal system,.....if you listen. The laymen may not be up to speed of the ongoings of criminal law, but it is a shame. The knock on this movie, is that it is pure fiction with relation to the characters and with that, they could have written it better. It really didn’t “get” is “there” as an audience. All actors, and visuals were great. It reminds you of how good Denzel is as an actor. But in fiction, you have to give a little more. Denzel himself probably earned at least 1/4 of the stars I gave alone.
  • Profound

    By nettalk
    Shows the greatness of Mr. Washington wish he would do more like this from the also great Gilmore brothers.
  • Not much justice for DW's track-1 talents, I'm afraid

    By JoeCoolRunnings
    If the intent behind this picture is to show present-day ignorance toward allegedly outdated issues--by the legal and judicial powers that be, by regular citizens--then ROMAN J. ISRAEL, ESQ. succeeds. Full tilt. But I got to tell you, guys and gals, this one tried too hard to press the idealistic-man-alone-in-a-nonidyllic-world" premise. We spend more time feeling sorry for the title character than cheering him on: Colleagues, thugs, and even punk, smart alec kids all working against him. It is appreciated that Israel tried not to sell out and to keep his principles--ones that most big-city (and small-town) lawyers overlook and/or forget. [Plus, he deserved the lavish lifestyle more than his colleagues. Even if it was by grand theft.] But everything he had to say falling on deaf (or dead) ears...stark contrast to THE GREAT DEBATERS! Most of all, Israel did NOT have to die for his values to sink into this big-firm peers' minds. Namely his only semi-ally (Colin Farrell). Again, I applaud the main idea of past (and still-living) issues and susbsequent ideals still mattering, and the conviction of the current generation's neglect and indifference. But overall, ROMAN J. ISRAEL, ESQ. does not do much justice for legal dramas, let alone for Denzel Washington's top-spot talents. In my humble opinion.
  • Good

    By lilduderob
    I actually really enjoyed it. I didn’t love the ending but, I thought the story was very good. Denzel is a terrific actor in everything he does. This is an example that you might not get the best movie but, you will get great acting. Thank you Denzel.
  • Compelling and Timely

    By Kimberlg
    Charisma vs. courage. Purity vs. pragmatism. How committed are we to our convictions? Some of the dichtomies and questions beautifully posed in Roman J. Israel, Esq. Elevated by an indelible, gut-wrenching performance by Denzel Washington, and surpisingly nuanced turn from Colin Farrell. You should watch it.
  • Good Movie

    By Purple Butterfly59
    Denzel Washington never ceases to amaze me! This was a good movie, however, I give it a 3 star rating for the profanity. I got lost in some scenes and I was trying to figure out whether he was an Autistic Savant because Denzel was brilliant in this movie, but weird.
  • Don't Like Gilroy

    By brslc
    Not a good director
  • R z

    By Call giant
  • Amazing

    By luhdanick
    Had me in tears. 😭
  • Flawed Film but Denzel Shows Up Again

    By Felix Knowhere
    I enjoyed this film and thought Denzel’s performance was fantastic; it was very nuanced and insular. He plays a man who through external circumstances has to wrestle with his moral code it in the face of discouragement and a very broken legal system. It doesn’t quite have the punch that Michael Clayton did but it’s well worth a watch if only to appreciate Denzel’s Oscar-worthy performance.
