

By Christopher Nolan

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 2000-09-05
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 53min
  • Director: Christopher Nolan
  • Production Company: Newmarket Films
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
From 15,120 Ratings


A man is determined to find justice after the loss of a loved one, even though he is incapable of fully remembering the crime, in this offbeat thriller. Leonard (Guy Pearce) is a man who is struggling to put his life back together after the brutal rape and murder of his wife. But Leonard's problems are different from those of most people in his situation; he was beaten severely by the same man who killed his wife. The most significant manifestation of Leonard's injuries is that his short-term memory has been destroyed; he is incapable of retaining any new information, and must resort to copious note-taking and Polaroid photographs in order to keep track of what happens to him over the course of a day (he's even tattooed himself with a few crucial bits of information he can't get along without). Leonard retains awareness that his wife was brutally murdered, however, and he's convinced that the culprit still walks the streets. Leonard is obsessed with the notion of taking revenge against the man who has ruined his life, and he sets out to find him, getting help from Natalie (Carrie-Anne Moss), who appears to be a sympathetic barmaid, and Teddy (Joe Pantoliano), who claims to be Leonard's friend, even though Leonard senses that he cannot be trusted.



  • Nolan at his finest

    By Vincent_Vega_junkie
    This is likely Christopher Nolan’s masterpiece. No big budget special effects just a great screenplay and great acting.
  • Amazing

    By M6chael66
    An underrated film by Christopher Nolan. Two Thumbs up, surprised a lot people don’t know about this film.
  • Crazy

    By pastoresc
    I have never written a review for a movie, but this movie was so crazy I feel I needed to write one. This was the craziest movie I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe money was spent to make it. Even worse I paid money to see it.
  • A Myesterious Christopher Nolan film.

    By Nicholas becerra
    Myesterious, Slow and entertaining Guy Pearce is fantastic in this film. Everything about it is thrilling and spectualuar.
  • wasted my 99 cents !!

    By SweetSentinel
    i want my dollar back
  • Dumb

    By Bill1369
    I know one maybe should ignore reality in a movie; but, when 2+2 continually adds to 5 or 6, it's a dumb movie!
  • Finally iTunes!!!

    By veritas.42
    Personal favorite of Nolan’s must buy it
