Brigsby Bear Adventures is a children's TV show produced for an audience of one: James. When the show abruptly ends, James's life changes forever, and he sets out to finish the story himself.
By Random4781
This movie is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen
A unique storyline unlike any before
By Stinsi_
Funny from beginning to end, great characters and amazing acting a must watch....over and over again
As original as it gets
By Nick2928181
I didn’t know this storyline could have such depth. From beginning to end I was captivated and completely impressed with everything.
Love it
By Evansranch
Outstanding movie
Wacky But Sweet
By Meg_A_Leg
Saw this at Sundance, and at times really didn't know what to make of it since it can be really out there. But the heart behind it is so wonderful and the acting across the board is great. It's a fun watch.
Sweet movie without cynicism
By iassos
I did not know what to expect as I tried to reconcile the trailers into exactly what this film was about. Turns out, it was about all of them... and they came together in the most lovely way. It is so easy to see an attempt at a film and criticize choices and production values... to tear it apart for what it became or failed to become. The heart of this film is so huge and so genuine you don't. Also, for a cast of SNL folk, you don't ever get that self-aware performance style that would ruin the sincerity of a story like this (except for a couple of moments by Andy Samberg but they are appropriately small). This is a film i will watch again and share with friends. What a great surprise. I needed this after so much awfulness in the world and the country at the moment. Thank you Kyle Mooney for making me forget about Republicans for a couple of hours.
Wow. Surprising and amazing.
By mwingerski
I was totally not expecting this movie to be this good. Kyle Mooney is really funny on SNL, but I didn't know how great he is an actor. The casting is perfect and there's so much more depth than I would have imagined. Do yourself a favor and buy this movie.
Was excited from the trialer and the Movie did not dissapoint
By anon7899
Different from anything that I've seen before. Great drama with a few well-placed moments of humor. Acting, casting, writing, and purposefully-cheesy effects are all on-point. Highly recommended.
Fantastic and inspiring
By ChopAndDrop
One of my favorite films of 2017. Creatively ambitious, heartwarming, and above all inspiring.