Friends and Heroes Bible Adventures: Vol. 16, Rome Alone/Give and Take

Friends and Heroes Bible Adventures: Vol. 16, Rome Alone/Give and Take

By Dave Osborne

  • Genre: Kids & Family
  • Release Date: 2009-10-01
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 0h 49min
  • Director: Dave Osborne
  • iTunes Price: USD 10.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99


The Bible comes alive for children and the whole family! In Part 1, Rome Alone, convinced he knows who the Masked Rebel is, Marcus orders Toadie to spy on Antonius. Felix hears the story of Jesus healing blind Bartimaeus and learns the importance of having faith. Meanwhile, Absolom encourages Macky by retelling the story of Samuel anointing Saul. Toadie sneaks into Antonius’s house believing no-one is home, but has a surprise coming when he discovers someone is there after all! In Part 2, Give and Take, Macky and the Masked Rebel rescue some slaves from certain death in the Circus Maximus, and as the scared slaves hide from their pursuers, Absolom reassures them with the story of Elijah and the Poor Widow. An angry Marcus orders Aemelia to be jailed, planning to use Babatunji as bait. Later, Babatunji hears the Parable of the Lost Sheep, and helps Antonius in a daring prisoner swap, understanding now that God cares for each of us.
