My Scientology Movie

My Scientology Movie

By John Dower

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2017-03-10
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 39min
  • Director: John Dower
  • Production Company: Red Box Films
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 274 Ratings


Documentarian Louis Theroux is denied admittance to the Church of Scientology's headquarters, setting into motion a clever, confrontational and funny plan to try and reveal the inner workings of the mysterious organization. Inspired by the Church’s use of filmmaking techniques, and with the aid of real ex-scientologists, Theroux uses unconventional methods to expose and antagonize the Church. In a bizarre twist, it becomes clear that the Church is also making a film about Louis Theroux. Infused with a good dose of humor and moments worthy of a Hollywood script, My Scientology Movie is stranger than fiction.



  • Poorly made

    By JMorganAli420
    Scientology is a super interesting topic. Making a movie about how ridiculous it is should be shooting fish in a barrel. I expected this be halfway amusing, it wasn’t. Some of the interviews had a glimpse of something interesting like “the leader of Scientology would freak out if he lost a computer game so I had to lose on purpose” I’m like oh my god please keep exploring that, but no. One fourth of this movie is just cringe re-enactments that serve no purpose at all. I would just cut them all out. Not only do they show boring re-enactments but they actually show the casting process too. His confrontations with Scientologist during this movie go on too long. There’s at least 15 minutes of him trespassing on Scientologist property and them telling him to leave. It’s not like these confrontations are interesting. This Loui guy is not funny, he’s not making fun of them in an interesting way, it just comes off as a dude trespassing. Oddly enough, I felt bad for the Scientologist dealing with him. That’s how unlikable he is. There’s a scene in this movie where a woman in a bathing suit walks into the apartment during an interview and says “what’s up, I’m an actor” then she leaves. It adds NOTHING to the plot. This movie could easily be cut in half. It’s like a YouTube blog. The dude spends way too much time in his car talking to the camera about nothing. When he interviews ex-Scientologist there are awkward pauses and meaningless conversations that could be cut out. This one of the worst documentaries I’ve ever seen. Again, Scientology is soooo ridiculous and it’s so easy to make fun of. You’d think a Scientology documentary would have a lot to work with considering their bizarre beliefs, slavery allegations, and murders. Oh my god, does this guy make it boring. It makes me upset that I thought this movie would be interesting and was disappointed.
  • Enlightened

    By Genova0705
    Funny, informative, and thought provoking.
  • Great documentary!

    By TyrannosaurusC
    Great documentary! This story needs to be told!
  • Not great

    By tubetopocker
    Surprisingly boring. I like Louis's documentaries but this was not insightful and didn't seem to serve much purpose. Looked like the same old Scientology stuff we have already been hearing about for years
  • Omg

    By $cientology
    Love it need to see it 10x end vertical 😂😂
  • Bloody Brilliant

    By MikeAndersonWA
    Went to a screening of this recently and it blew my mind. Scientology is such an interesting subject to study, with how weird and creepy it all it, and this documentary highlighted just how insane Scientology really is. Very entertaining film.
  • Eh

    By revolution13420
    I wish it would the director would have taken a more serious approach to confronting and exposing this evil, greedy, and shameful cult. I did like his assertive questioning of members when he had chances.
  • Louie is the man

    By BennyBoyNYC
    Great movie
  • Disappointing

    By Dennis 215
    I have enjoy Louis since he was on Michael Moore’s TV Nation and have been eager to watch this since I saw the trailer months ago. I recently watched and enjoyed “Going clear”. Sadly I did not learn anything new in this “Documentary”. A lot of the time seemed spent on how to run auditions for an acting job so we can “reenact” actual events. Meh didn’t do it for me. “Going Clear” or Leah Remini’s show is much more informative and less self-indulgent.
  • couldt be further from the truth

    By Serge Ramelli
    it is interresting to see this documentary only gives access to anti scientologist, it's like asking antisemit what they think about jewish people. would love to hear also people that are happy with it for once...
