La La Land

La La Land

By Damien Chazelle

  • Genre: Romance
  • Release Date: 2016-12-09
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 8min
  • Director: Damien Chazelle
  • Production Company: Summit Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 17,125 Ratings


Winner of 6 Academy Awards® including Best Director for writer-director Damien Chazelle, and winner of a record-breaking 7 Golden Globe® awards, La La Land is more than the most acclaimed movie of the year — it’s a cinematic treasure for the ages that you’ll fall in love with again and again. Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling star as Mia and Sebastian, an actress and a jazz musician pursuing their Hollywood dreams — and finding each other — in a vibrant celebration of hope, dreams, and love.



  • ...

    By GoMets14
  • My favorite movie

    By luleysa
    If you don’t like this movie! You don’t really understand love 🫡 and I really like the ending because it’s different and soo real thank u 🫡
  • Has its moments, but...meh

    By abu laith
    This movie received tons of awards simply because it's a paean to Hollywood, and Hollywood loves nothing better than celebrating itself. There are a couple of cute song & dance numbers in there, a modicum of good dialogue, but the overall message of the film is that "the dream" is more important than people and relationships.
  • One of my top favorite movies!

    By Michelle_2401
    When I first watched this movie, I went into it blindly not knowing much about what it was truly encompassing. Nevertheless, this movie came to be one I can watch endlessly. Watching it multiple times give me a different experience each time and the cinematography, characters, and the overall themes are just so well made and shown in this film. The idea of ‘what could have been’ and how another individual can help another fulfill their dreams this what this movie highlights; thus, someone people who have watched it had miss lead just a romantic film. It has so many layers to it as for color playing a large role in types of mood changes, as well as the seasons. Another thing to note is that everything that you watch in the beginning, is very important to the middle and ending to truly understand the meaning behind this story (that is why I watched it multiple times). To conclude, this movie is great and don’t get discouraged if the beginning feels long because it is much worth it for the end :).
  • A top favorite

    By CaptainCorsair
    I’m not going to lie this one took a while to grow on me. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Ryan Gosling back in the day but the more I’ve watched the film, the closer and closer it’s gotten to making my top favorite list. It has it all, a lot of music, but not too much it’s overpowering, and when the numbers do hit, they hit well. The music is catchy, the characters are well played and fleshed out, and the plot is very good. It’s not the best feel good movie, but it sure does a good job of bringing something to the table that’s a good watch.
  • Wonderful opening credit sequence!

    By MacSalvaged?
    Unfortunately, the remainder isn’t flat enough to slid under your neighbor's door. Well, not completely unnoticed anyway. Be prepared to explain yourself with the title of this review.
  • So so

    By Jonphoto89
    It was ok songs and musical movie. It movie too slow Worth of $5
  • Lalareview

    By KatherineGuevaraJuarez
    if your thinking of watching this movie-do it! I would do anything to watch it again for the first time!
  • I cried… a lot

    By Roroblush
    It was a more realistic film, and had a complicated ending. I liked how that took a different approach to the happy ending.
  • Beautiful colors

    By Ariel Leira
    This movie has beautiful colors.
