Justice League: Dark

Justice League: Dark

By Jay Oliva

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2017-01-24
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 15min
  • Director: Jay Oliva
  • Production Company: Warner Bros. Animation
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,066 Ratings


When the Justice League comes upon a supernatural force against which even their powers seem useless, Batman assembles a second League of mystic heroes – the likes of Swamp Thing, the Demon, and Constantine - to help defeat this magical, otherworldly threat.



  • Phenomenal A+

    By 1Republicfan2000
    DC has really out done themselves with this amazing plot and great action sequences overall amazing.
  • I wish I had rented this

    By Kondeki
    I saw the trailer and a few clips from this film, and those things lead me to make a purchase. What a mistake that turned out to be. Almost everything the other, more critical, reviews said were true. Batman is too often in the background, the Justice League is non-existent except for a handful of scenes. There is a couple pieces of dialogue featuring false political statements - Swamp Thing is pretty ignorant despite being able to feel every plant on Earth. Speaking of dialogue, Batman has way too little. He barely speaks beyond a few grunts, or if he ever utters a sentence it’s really nothing helpful or interesting. Hardly any indication that he is the world’s greatest detective. All in all, this is just a bad film, I only liked the magic and Etrigan and that’s about it. If you’re interested in this film, rent it, it’s not worth a buy.
  • Justice League... DARK!!!

    By Irvin2020
    This movie is amazing! I’m watching it right now, and the animation is fantastic! It is very violent, though... no denying the R rating! This and the many other animated DC movies are not for kids, but they still keep the true spirit of the comics! This is what I would call classic adult animation! The monsters are the primary characters that give it that mood. I love that it’s also a quick watch, so you don’t have to have to sacrifice a lot of time to watch it! It’s better than any of the other animated DC movies I’ve seen. I love every character and how the animators brought them to life in this movie. It’s all just unbelievable! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!
  • Love it!

    By Cherry popper man
    For a purchase, I would give it a solid 5. For an animation 4.2! It's very entertaining and well assembled. It's fun to see this side of Constantine and Zatana put into action. Batman's expression of having to witness the odd side of magic is priceless! 😂 Have fun!
  • no reason to be r

    By ckbg2
    its them cashing in by making there movies R, this has no reason to be R, even watching it im confused why its R

    By OllivanderWoman
    I LOVED every minute of it....and of course i love all the 'main' justice league charcters. But when I saw COSTANTINE, ETRIGAN/JASON,SWAMP THING......etc Its been so long since they've come out with anything awesome with these "new" animations.
  • Great movie!

    By waffle syrupzz
    I went into this movie with high expectations and I ended up satisfied! if you're a fan of Constantine or Batman, then this is a must have!
  • Quality Material

    By Brett Hamilton Johnson
    Excellent balance of action, horror, mythos, humor, & Constantine/Batman/Justice League fan service :-)
  • Pathetic

    By tdhaayushverma
    Usually I like animated series but this one is just bad. Could not finish in one sitting, slept twice and got a headache and I even said to myself, why am I doing this. Save yourself from this piece of garbage.
  • Zydttv Ann rdskeho

    By oyudgdc
    For if g gal have gavewo aboutggsf and gethe a
