

By Jeff Nichols

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2016-11-04
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 3min
  • Director: Jeff Nichols
  • Production Company: Big Beach
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 923 Ratings


In 1958, in the state of Virginia, the idea of interracial marriage was not only considered to be immoral to many, it was also illegal. When Richard (Joel Edgerton, Black Mass) and Mildred (Ruth Negga, World War Z) fall in love, they are aware of the eyes staring at them and the words said behind their backs. It is when they get married, however, that words and looks become actions, and the two are arrested. The couple decide to take their case all of the way to the Supreme Court in order to fight for their love in this passionate and gripping drama that critics are calling "a masterpiece." โ€“ Jason Gorber, ScreenAnarchy.com



  • APPLE IS PRICE GOUGING!! Because itโ€™s Loving Day

    By XS N OS
    How Apple going to raise the price. It was just 3.99 to rent and 4.99 to buy the other day. Now itโ€™s 14.99 to buy and 3.99 to rent!!
  • Awesome Movie

    By Fabio52662
    As a teenager, I was so exciting to waith this movie. really the movie is awesome. The mvie music make you a lover boy/girl. Just enjoy the movie. Don't late.
  • Loving

    By jkitunea
    Incredible film- Highly recommend!!
  • Awww.

    By Jolovesgum
    This movie was so sweet and I even saw this last night and I loved Loving.
  • The movie really missed the point!

    By hq197
    In reality the case has very little to do with black and white but black and red, yeah red. As in NA/Native American(s) who where classified as "negro" by a system that only saw "black" and "white". This classification was designed to disenfranchise many NA tribes that had inter-married with enslaved, free and escaped slaves [peoples of color] for more than three-hundred years, who traditionally had no rights. After a while the tribes of Red Indians were mostly composed of Black Indians. In the Post-Antebellum South/Jim Crow NA people had more rights than negros, such as marriage to anyone and most importantly the right to vote and hold land. If you don't believe me, her nephew blasted the movie and gives the reason why they really went to court. The studio and director were keeping it simple, and not "really" talking about unpleasant things. Like NA peoples owning African slaves. How many tribes during the mid and late twenth century kicked out [disenrolled] or no longer recognized their own tribal members because they no longer "fit" the sterotype of an Indian. Some tribes did this for future fortunes as in federal recognition [e.g. tax exemption] others for some good old fashhioned racism. This problem has been going on all over the US for decades. Check out the Freedmen Case and their troubles with the Cherokee nation of Oklahoma.
  • Boring

    By Doctor Zom
    This movie looked really nice and I wanted to like it but it was just BORING.

    By My2cents12
    This movie is a must watch! Exemplary acting and cinematography. Would definetley recommend this movie to anyone!!
  • Loving

    By Samnotafan
    Very good movie, a little slow but enjoyed it. Best I've seen so far of Oscar
  • Stinking cute!

    By lu09lu94
    Really cute & interesting movie. Definitely puts you in your feelings ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
  • Loving

    By KBwankenobi
    Great message but poorly scripted. Movie drags on and is tough to stay interested. Mildred is a wonderful character and very lovable. Richard by contrast is poorly portrayed and very difficult to like. Overall this is a good movie to watch some evening when you have absolutely nothing else to do.
