By Rob Zombie

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2016-10-21
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 43min
  • Director: Rob Zombie
  • Production Company: Spectacle Entertainment Group
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 799 Ratings


From the visionary mind of Rob Zombie comes the horrific story of five carnival workers who are kidnapped the night before Halloween and held hostage in a large compound.  At the mercy of their captors, they are forced to play a twisted game of life or death called 31.  For the next 12 hours they must fight for their lives against an endless parade of homicidal maniacs.



  • Fun Thriller

    By LoganTheSmirk
    I had fun with this film, it was something different. Richard Brake did a fantastic job as doomhead, totally believable psychopath. My biggest problem was the other killer clowns seemed a little weak.
  • 31

    By love jamie dornan
    I loved the movie. Richard Brake did a fabulous job playing his role.
  • Meh

    By emtsd
    Sheri Moon Zombie is such a horrible actress, so it's unfortunate that Rob keeps putting her in main roles just because he's married to her. It's a pretty typical Rob Zombie movie. No surprises. Full of blood and violence. I think 1,000 Corpses and Devil's Rejects were way better, but it still gets 4 stars for coming from the Zombie mastermind. Cannot wait for 3 From Hell!
  • New Direction

    By TBH34
    The movie took us in a new direction of macabre cinema. I wasn't sure what to expect but I'm very pleased. His controversial movies continue to offend or amaze. If your looking for a good horror movie you will enjoy this flick. As a singer and a film maker he is very talented.
  • lame

    By skyeandponyshow
    i wanted to like it
  • Eh

    By Peytaa.
    I like many of Rob Zombie's films and I was super excited for this one. I can't say it was terrible, because I did enjoy the movie in the aspect that it was bloody and gory, but that's the only pros. There was something missing and as much as I enjoyed the movie, I hated it as well. Executed differently this movie could have been really good, the potential was there. Ultimately I wouldn't watch it again. Save your money, watch it for free online if you want but I wouldn't spend my money on this. P.S. To all the reviews saying to stop putting his wife in his movies, that's the thing I love about his movies. She's adorable. ❤
  • Stay Clear

    By Kastopher
    If you enjoy Rob Zombie just stay away from this movie. This will ruin everything you love about his movies. It's rushed, feels incomplete and leaves you feeling un-satisfied... just trust me
  • I was hoping for more

    By Buyergirlohio
    I'm a big horror movie fan. The first time I saw House of 1000 Corpses, I had a hard time sleeping that night. Since then very few movies have had that kind of shock value. I always give credit, when credit is due, Rob Zombie is a great musical artist, and I appreciate the production value of his films, but this one missed the mark for me. First of all, to root for characters, you have to like them. I didn't find any connection to these people. There just wasn't enough development to feel invested in their survival. The same thing went for the killers. They could have been likable, but they just wern't. As a fan, I was hoping for something more. If you're just looking for a hack and slash horror flick, then this is fine, but if you're looking for a Rob Zombie cult classic I'd skip this one.
  • Awesome!

    By Mellonskull
    A lot of people are bashing this. Is it the best RZ movie? No, but I really liked it. I liked it more than The lords of Salem. I think it is definitely worth a watch!
  • It was a let down

    By Skd mrk kid
    I love most of his movies I even liked Lords of Salem but 31 was lacking in any kind of shock value no disturbing images no I shouldn't be enjoying this hopefully Rob will get back the good stuff soon
