

By David Farrier & Dylan Reeve

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2016-11-01
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 31min
  • Director: David Farrier & Dylan Reeve
  • Production Company: Horseshoe Films
  • Production Country: New Zealand
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 398 Ratings


After stumbling upon a bizarre “competitive endurance tickling” video online, wherein young men are paid to be tied up and tickled, reporter David Farrier reaches out to request a story from the company. But the reply he receives is shocking—the sender mocks Farrier's sexual orientation and threatens extreme legal action should he dig any deeper. So, like any good journalist confronted by a bully, he does just the opposite: he travels to the hidden tickling facilities in Los Angeles and uncovers a vast empire, known for harassing and harming the lives of those who protest their involvement in these films. The more he investigates, the stranger it gets, discovering secret identities and criminal activity. Discovering the truth becomes Farrier’s obsession, despite increasingly sinister threats and warnings. With humor and determination, Farrier and co-director Dylan Reeve summon up every resource available to get to the bottom of this tickling wormhole.



  • Uncomfortable Entertainment

    By Kdhanley
    This started out weird and never stopped. I wasn't sure what to make if it at first and nearly stopped watching, but then it took an unexpected turn and I just couldn't stop watching. A strange 2 hours of my life that I can't stop thinking about and telling other people about.
  • Amazing and bizarre documentary.

    By Whydna
    Entertaining, bizarre, disturbing.
  • Wow

    By ReeseReeseReese
    This was probably the most exciting documentary I've ever seen. I was on the edge of my seat. The story is so bizarre, it's captivating.
  • bad and boring

    By harrywinston123456
    dont believe the reviews there is no way this should be 95%
  • Great Doc - suspense

    By Agoodalbum
    The suspense will keep you drawn into the story. It's a wild ride.
  • It's fun, exciting, freakish filmmaking.

    By Cebucity
    At times funny, at times disturbing, but always fascinating, Tickled is wildly entertaining documentary that excels due to the risks the filmmaker's were willing to take to get to the root of a problem more serious than its title would suggest.
  • Tickled

    By Caeruleo1
    I do not agree with the review by neoazra. David Paul D'Amato, the man featured in the documentary was the one proven in federal court in 2001 to have attempted to adversely affect people's lives. He was proven to have forged the email addresses of several college students in sending email-bombs to professors and in one case the university president to make it falsely appear that the student was committing the email-bombings. Many of the claims in the documentary are directly supported by the federal court documents, and Mr. D'Amato did indeed serve six months in federal prison as a result of these crimes, and the court documents show him plainly admitting that he did indeed do these things in direct connection with acquiring tickling videos. And plenty of the claims made about Jane O'Brien Media are solidly-documented in the film, so the film is nowhere even remotely close to a work of fiction.
