Me Before You

Me Before You

By Thea Sharrock

  • Genre: Romance
  • Release Date: 2016-06-03
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 50min
  • Director: Thea Sharrock
  • Production Company: New Line Cinema
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 12,554 Ratings


Young and quirky Louisa "Lou" Clark (Emilia Clarke) moves from one job to the next to help her family make ends meet. Her cheerful attitude is put to the test when she becomes a caregiver for Will Traynor (Sam Claflin), a wealthy young banker left paralyzed from an accident two years earlier. Will's cynical outlook starts to change when Louisa shows him that life is worth living. As their bond deepens, their lives and hearts change in ways neither one could have imagined.



  • No.

    By CaptAL80
    Hey. I see the high ratings for this, but stay away from it. If I knew the ending, I would’ve saved myself from watching this, so maybe I can save you. It has all the aspects to set you up for a good romance movie: story, characters, drama, but fails terribly at.. well whatever it was trying to go for. A fictional story, but also a complete misunderstanding of what depression really is, thus making the female character pointless, making this story pointless. Like how horror movies throw the curve ball at the end that completely f**** up the entire movie.
  • Great movie

    By Dayday004
    Not what you expect…and that’s what makes it the best and worst movie ever. I can’t stop torturing myself watching it. I wish there was more, I wish it was longer. Fantastic movie, 100%.
  • Just the best movie

    By Marisela Amorzz Reyes
    Is one of my favorite movie ever the way the story is such a love story it has everything a movie needs to have the climax towards tge end is mostly my favorite 💖
  • Digestible mix of reality and truth

    By Limodriverjeff
    If you really evaluate what being a Quad is like this only gives you the good or best side and some of the outcomes or possibilities. The day to day bodily necessities are touched on ever so briefly and did not totally explore the phantom pains and medical requirements of life in the chair. The love story part is great. The giving caring part of Lou’s character is something all care givers share. They are remarkable people . One man’s decision effected a lot of people. One woman’s loving caring ways changed things. If even only for awhile. And whatever side of assisted suicide you are on for whatever your reasons you are entitled to have that opinion while most of you walk and carry on a normal ambulatory life style.But what if….
  • Pointless.

    By Alx78
    Went into this with high hopes, but way to turn a movie that could have good, life understanding meaning, into a complete and utter waste of time. I’m pretty sure those whoever gave this movie a good review must have a screw loose. It may not have a happy ending, but way to miss the point on life and what it has to offer.
  • Amazing Chemistry

    By iRichardo7
    Great chemistry between the two leads. How could any guy not fall for Emilia Clarke in this role? Great performances, storyline and dialogue. Not a fan of the ending because I am forever the fighter, but still really good.
  • Best movie

    By Hatethiss***
    I swear this movie will have you crying!!! It’s such a beautiful movie and it’s not cliché. Although it is very sad it has a beautiful story to it
  • Ableist

    By LauraK10
    I don't get upset at movies that often, but this one had such a bad message. The movie itself was cute enough. The actors did a good job. However, the message was so disgusting that this is a movie I'll never watch again.
  • My favorite movie

    By pls give this movie a chance
    I can only watch this movie every so often. It makes you feel so deeply for the main characters. The raw emotion that you feel makes you want to cry, laugh all emotion wrapped into a two hour movie. Highly recommend, be ready to cry.
  • La ame

    By anneliese0217
    Me encanto, me hizo reír y llorar.
