Alice Through the Looking Glass

Alice Through the Looking Glass

By James Bobin

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2016-05-27
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 53min
  • Director: James Bobin
  • Production Company: Legend3D
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 19.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 5.99
From 6,479 Ratings


Alice (Mia Wasikowska) has spent the past few years following in her fatherโ€™s footsteps and sailing the high seas. Upon her return to London, she comes across a magical looking glass and returns to the fantastical realm of Underland and her friends. There she discovers that the Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp) has lost his Muchness, so the White Queen (Anne Hathaway) sends her on a quest to borrow the Chronosphere, a metallic globe inside the chamber of the Grand Clock that powers all time. Returning to the past, she embarks on a perilous race to save the Hatter before time runs out.



  • Meep ๐Ÿฃand Sweets ๐Ÿฌ.

    By lazzy punk66789
    I started the movie ๐ŸŽฅ๐Ÿฟ last night, it feels like forever since Iโ€™ve been in wonderland and might I just State ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜Š This EPIC Storytelling =Fantastical MOIVE and last chapter of being a curious child, and learning that there comes... a โ€œ Time โ€œ to understand what you get yourself into, learning to solve the problems and faces the impossible many things ๐Ÿง. This is about Time and how you use it , also the graphics in the film ๐ŸŽž are more gorgeous also the the Makeup ๐Ÿ’„ and visuals are very fresh Dewey and has a beautiful twist to it like my favorite the white Queen ๐Ÿ‘‘ and time and hatter of course are wonderfully wacky and colorful ๐ŸŽจ๐ŸŽฉ๐Ÿ•’. I love Alice in wonderland since I saw the trailer on tv ๐Ÿ“บ back.... then... ah ๐Ÿฅฐ. Long story short I Love ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS ๐ŸŒŒ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’›๐ŸŒŒ! P.S And I quote Itโ€™s only impossible โ€œ if you Believe it isโ€.
  • Wow Tim Burton Wow

    By Nicholas becerra
    Alice through the looking glass is a underwelming and embrassing bad sequel to a movie that didn't made sense but tried. But no joke Through the looking glass is terrible, the effects and the actors espcially Johnny Depp as the Mad Hattar he is god awful. I slept through some scenes because it was so boring i couldn't make out what kind of theater i went to. but it was suprising that Helena Boham Carter and Sasha Baron Cohen returned there in both in Sweeney Todd and Les Miserables.
  • Better than the first?

    By MC Joyful
    This is a great movie that was shunned by critics and users a like. Lewis Carroll was a very bizarre person and writer,so itโ€™s not a surprise why this wasnโ€™t a hit! Itโ€™s a weird story so in real interpretation it should be weird! The acting is very good and itโ€™s hilarious. I even heard that the actual source material from the books is used in this movie which is amazing! It is definitely better than the first movie!
  • Wondrous but less violent and scary

    By Isaiah3618
    Alice Through the Looking Glass is just as good as the first Alice in Wonderland(2010) movie but the first was a little better than this. Though it is really โ€œcuriousโ€

    By DogMom2Mila
    Better than the first movie!
  • Not the book - but visually astounding

    By Jet001
    I would be considered a "Carrollian". An experienced reader of the original works as well as all of Martin Gardner's "Annotations". I love "The Hunting of the Snark" and its annotations too. This film is not the book. It is a fantastical time-travel movie only superficially related to Mr. Dodgson's original work. Still, this movie is a visual feast. If you have a high-end monitor, it is a beautiful thing to watch. The colors...things to behold. So don't expect a true to the page experience, just watch & enjoy.
  • Well done

    By Moo$a
    Compared to the first one this a huge improvement. Thanks
  • Alan Rickman

    By (Pronounced"see-love")
    The only reason that I give this movie five stars is because Alan was in it. Whether his part was large or small, he was the best part in it. I love him!
  • Great Sequel!

    By MONAHAN83
    I saw bad reviews for this but still wanted to check it out. I really enjoyed it! It has nothing to do with the novel of the same name, but that didn't bother me cause the movie was well executed and there was an interesting story.
  • Ignore the critics...Great movie!

    By Gabby'sDad79
    This just goes to show that some critics should just retire. This was a great movie! My daughter and I enjoyed it. Why the bad reviews?!
