I Am Wrath

I Am Wrath

By Chuck Russell

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2016-05-13
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 36min
  • Director: Chuck Russell
  • Production Company: Hannibal Classics
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 666 Ratings


John Travolta is Stanley Hill, a former Black Ops agent who witnessed his wife's death at the hands of a street gang. When corrupt cops let the prime suspect walk, Stanley takes the law into his own hands. Joined by a former comrade-in-arms (Christopher Meloni), Stanley uncovers a conspiracy that leads to the upper ranks of government, as he heads toward a guns- blazing, take-no-prisoners showdown for justice.



  • Just awful

    By maisybird575
    Travolta should have just said no. Overweight and completely unbelievable in the role. Ridiculous.
  • Botox and a Rug

    By Augsburg57
    I always like John Travolta but will never understand why actors turn to Botox and hair pieces as they age.
  • Surreal

    By melcur
    Vinnie Barbarino kills Elliot Oswal and Sam Merlotte and Eliot Stabler breaks him out of the prison hospital ward. Very surreal.
  • It Flopped!

    By Berkeley Rooster
    A well-made B-movie that falls flat on its face...boring.
  • Another forced 69er

    By iReviewer2009
    That's it. The last time I rent a movie for $6.99. I should know better by now. When the classic actors like Travolta start getting into the overpriced rentals game it's a good sign that it's over for them. At very least they could offer a SD version $1.00 off so I could feel better about not paying $7.00 for an low budgit film with a face. This plot line is played out just like the $6.99 scam the movie industry is running.
  • From Grease...A List...To Greasy... Just No.

    When ya get to a certain point in a career, an age, you have to know who to listen to...and who Not To... Who Talked John Travolta into a movie like this? Take a lesson from Nick Cage- I'd wait for this to hit video, and then maybe watch- if a friend buys it...
  • I am boring

    By Stevepfi55
    It is watchable if you are really bored!
  • I really wanted to like this movie

    By Jforbush
    I REALLY wanted to like this movie. I was one of the extras in a scene, and was excited about Columbus being featured in a movie. Apart from enjoying recognizing the various places from around town, and seeing people I knew in the film, I could not get invested in this film. Although it was enjoyable interacting with the Stars during filming, the movie is average at best....VERY sorry to say. ⭐️⭐️ just because it was fun to be part of the process.
