

By Mickey Keating

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2016-04-01
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 16min
  • Director: Mickey Keating
  • Production Company: Vic Films Productions
  • Production Country: United Kingdom
  • iTunes Price: USD 8.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 132 Ratings


A house sitting job starts a terrifying chain of events as a woman begins to have maddening visions. From the producers of THE INNKEEPERS and HOUSE OF THE DEVIL comes what critics have called the "best horror film of 2016", “explosive” and “absolutely brilliant.”



  • Brilliant!

    By zounds23
    One of the most atmospheric & beautiful films I have ever seen! Hands Down! Abient Horror at its finest!
  • Deep tension

    By SeanFowler
    Darling is a very tense movie throughout. You feel it continue to build as the story progresses into madness. Great film, enjoyed watching it!
  • Dumb

    By never-ending-present
    All style, no substance. Predictable and dull like a terrible 90s music video.
  • Boring

    By bofranco
    Boring boring boring
  • what a difference

    By horror snob
    Keating’s first two films were pretty good- there was a big difference between Ritual and Pod, but Darling takes things to a whole new level. Beautifully directed and shot, the film keeps you on the edge of your seat and, unlike many recent films, actually makes you think.
  • Scared me

    By Nurse181
    Yep..it scared me. I usually rent horror and turn them off half way through…this one…no way. I was mesmerized. I was also scared because I had no idea what was going to happen. I would say it reminded me kind of like a cross between The Shining and Psycho. Loved it!
  • A Let Down

    By JesseRosenbaum
    In my humble opinion, this film uses lots of creepy music and sound effects coupled with quick flashes of imagery to try and generate suspense and tension, but fails to do so. I see people referencing classic horror, but really all it does it create a film that is more imagery than substance with a lackluster story that left me very unfulfilled at the end. I will say the lead actress does a good job based on the material at hand, but the whole experience for me was a big let down. It’s 78 minutes I’ll never get back and $7 I wish I spent on something else.
  • Experiment in Cinematic Horror

    By matty03
    Mickey Keating's "Darling" may not be particularly original, but it is carefully stylized and modulated exercise in psychological horror that truly transcends his budgetary limitations. Mac Fisken's cinematography is meticulous and easily recalls a sort of mashup of Gordon Willis, Gilbert Taylor and Sven Nyqvist. Yes, you read me right. Fisken manages to recreate visual suspense intermingled with beauty. Valerie Krulfeifer's editing is a perfect match for Keating's odd retro-horror stylings. Giona Ostinelli's musical score is equally effective. But the key collaborating artist is Lauren Ashley Carter. In the film's title role, this actor's babydoll huge eyes and on-screen presence manage to both aid in the building of fear and menace. This actress literally haunts the screen. Keating is not concerned with plot. "Darling" has only one real purpose: it wants to not only get under your skin but into your mind as well. Lo-fi but exceptionally crated from all perspectives, this film fully signals that Mickey Keating is playing for keeps.
  • Fantastic

    By greenwich kid
    I have heard a lot about this movie, and it did not disappoint. The real thing, well done and gets your attention.
  • Actual Fear

    By Satisfied but with suggestion
    Darling is a movie that delivers on producing actual fear in the hearts of its viewers. In an era where so many “Horror” movie just try to startle you with cheap cuts to momentarily frighting shots that don’t move the plot forward and don’t get your heart racing, Darling goes the other way and produces real, lasting tension that will not only raise your heart rate but leave it there. If you are a fan of Classic Horror go ahead and purchase this film because you will want to watch this one more than once.