The Brothers Grimsby

The Brothers Grimsby

By Louis Leterrier

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2016-03-11
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 23min
  • Director: Louis Leterrier
  • Production Company: Columbia Pictures
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,318 Ratings


Nobby (Sacha Baron Cohen), a sweet but dimwitted English football hooligan, has everything a man from the poor fishing town of Grimsby could want, including 9 children and the most attractive girlfriend in the northeast of England (Rebel Wilson). There’s only one thing missing: his little brother, Sebastian (Mark Strong), who Nobby has spent 28 years searching for after they were separated as kids. Nobby sets off to reunite with Sebastian, unaware that not only is his brother MI6’s deadliest assassin, but he’s just uncovered plans for an imminent global terrorist attack. On the run and wrongfully accused, Sebastian realizes that if he is going to save the world, he will need the help of its biggest idiot.



  • 😄

    By catloverandrobloxlover
    Totally funny 😋
  • If not for $.99 Apple Rentals...

    By Awe Heal
    ...I would have passed on this movie. Anal Humor hasn't been funny [for me] since the movie Top Secret. That said, I am being generous with my stars.
  • Sick

    By Lord Sakana
    Waste of time if you have a brain.
  • Apple TV fails again!

    By pman2012
    I would've loved to watch this movie, but unfortunately each time I try and watch the rental it says "an error occurred loading this content. try again later." I don't want to try again later. I want to watch the movie right now. I'll forget to try again later and end up losing the money I paid to rent the movie. This is 4th time this has happened to me. Apple, why don't you make sure your stuff works.
  • A beautiful film

    By bbrockit
    I almost split my abs open laughing.
  • What was I thinking?

    By Ralu2fan
    This is NOT my genre so I don't konw why I watched it. If you are looking for a comedy with some of the grossest and disgusting scenses knoown to man, this is your movie - enjoy. Otherwise watch a movie you lke for a 2nd time.
  • Awful

    By Chubbycheeka
    Just awful. I only chuckled twice.
  • My 99 cents

    By Sot Stu
    I watched this movie because it only cost $0.99 to rent... can i have my $0.99 back?
  • Rent first

    By LazyJake87
    This movie is not the goofy comedy that the trailers make it look like. It is far more raunchy than expected.
  • So bad!

    By Mr_Stas
    It's even worse than the Spy with the fat chick. Waste of time!
