The Witch

The Witch

By Robert Eggers

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2016-02-19
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 32min
  • Director: Robert Eggers
  • Production Company: Very Special Projects
  • Production Country: Brazil, Canada, United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 7,115 Ratings


New England, 1630. Upon threat of banishment by the church, an English farmer leaves his colonial plantation, relocating his wife and five children to a remote plot of land on the edge of an ominous forest — within which lurks an unknown evil. Strange and unsettling things begin to happen almost immediately — animals turn malevolent, crops fail, and one child disappears as another becomes seemingly possessed by an evil spirit. With suspicion and paranoia mounting, family members accuse teenage daughter Thomasin of witchcraft, charges she adamantly denies. As circumstances grow more treacherous, each family member's faith, loyalty and love become tested in shocking and unforgettable ways.



  • Not a horror movie

    By LunaticInk
    This isn’t a horror film. It may have some horror elements, but there is nothing scary, eerie, or chilling about this film. It is well shot, well acted, and well paced. It would have had more impact (for me, anyway) if the “real” witches had been left out, and this had focused more on the family dynamic and isolation leading to suspicion and psychosis. The part where the witch pops in and starts drinking from the goat was hilariously bad and really killed it for me. I was just waiting for it to end after that. At any rate, it was an okay film but not something you would see if you are looking for some scares.
  • Greatest

    By rp386
    Coolest most well acted movie about witches ever. One of IMO best movies ever. The family drama, coming of age, and the hypocrisy of the Xtian ideology where the only benevolence is the one you bring yourself.
  • Classic

    By @JuXinGToN
    This is honestly the last scary movie ever made. One of those that makes you think after watching it also. Truly classic.
  • i \ there can only be one

    By malin gramer yyyw
    i \ this dwyer was entertaining. it reminded me of going to an ave shant in st. thomas or berlin or st. claude. there can only be one is not true because of boeing clip but the lisa still needs to be hamlet. nope, the plot will continue long after this review has been read. remember when popping christophers to order the heather label for the conduct flint flint. this plot was intense and always viva berlin correctly. theology 32 was the correct answer. we made sure to take them to the w turtle. conduct walnuts - 40. this movie reminded us of ave shants at volly vixen claude or volly vixen vanilla or paris. we always tiff "tempt conduct oink" when one of the lordes never 30s pops the conduct flint flint. perphaps going to one of the boeingclip t-s in the duncan hines oligarch is more fitting. viva berlin - 40

    By WantCandyPant5!
    The PERFECT Witch Movie Ever MADE👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👍🏼
  • Which Witch.....

    This is the one I love. Wicked & stunning. A great movie to recommend. ATJ is amazing!
  • Horrible

    By USMale
    I don't know who decided on this acting crew, but it is terrible. You can't understand probably 95% of what is being said, and the movie is badly written. It is suppose to be english. There are scares for sure, but the theme is crazy and disturbing. I do not reccomend this movie at all to anyone. I asked for a refund, I don't know if my request will be filled, but Apple Support is reasonable on such matters.
  • I really liked this!

    By Alx78
    4.5 I was very hesitant about watching this, and put it off for awhile. When I finally watched it, I was very surprised at how much I enjoyed this. I don’t know why, even with the ending I thought it was great.
  • Great

    By Vepar4233
    It’s everything one could ask for in a historical horror film. Eggers did great
  • Fantasmagorical!

    By Busta Cup
    Ah, The Witch. Here is comes right at you - and you ain't ready for it. Did this one surprise me in an unlikely and uncompromising way. I don't watch much horror - certainly not films that deal in gore, slash and dash and demonic notions. That is why I am curious - why did I like this one? It really comes down to two things - neither of which have to do with horror or the trappings of a genre that's mostly dead (no pun intended). First, the dialogue; and the script. The diction and old, old English dialect and vocabulary are indescribably alluring and fascinating. I didn't know someone out there could write such a perfect script using arcane and unnerving conversation. The writer and director must have unparelled grasps on a forgotton language that is really hard to place. They clue you into their inspiration as soon as the credits roll at the shocking and disturbing conclusion. They must have got their hands on some preserved texts and diaries of English settlers who made a (rough) living in the "New World". It's not like KJV Bible. It's not Shakespeare. It's not "common folk" or dumbed down dictation that spake forth on the screen (sorry, had to do it). It's.... Remarkable in every way. OK, on the second reason I loved it? The stark, gloomy and dark sepia tones of its cinematography. The atmosphere is so important in a movie like this to make you believe these puritans really did have a very simplistic livelihood. It's all blacks and greys and shadows. The candlelight flickers on unspeakable tragedies and "visions" (I guess you could call them). It all makes for an uneasy movie going experiennce and it's awesome. I know I love it because I know it's unique, bold, brash, heathen, and uncompromising. Take note, The Crucible, your time has come and gone; there is a new beast in our midst, and it offers you a cherished timepiece to wrestle with over and over again.
