Jack’s otherwise uneventful life takes a sinister turn when he’s suddenly plagued by a series of bizarre sleepwalking episodes. He learns he is the heir to a monstrous family legacy of savagery, slaughter, and unrelenting horror.
Don't Waste Your Time or $$$
By givitachance
This movie is a bait and switch. Very nice artwork on the movie poster, but the movie itself is not so great. It's as if the director had A.D.D. The storyline and overall pace is all over the place and the acting in this is just horrible. Cheesy special-effects. It's like ordering a box of your favorite cereal at the store and the outside of the box looks shiny and new, but once you open the box and pour yourself a bowl, it's stale and you are like "What was that?!!!"
Very decent watch!
By Ringolover5
I really enjoyed this movie. Makeup and transformations were good. It had a little of everything and the comedy was quite funny. The acting was decent and the storyline was easy to follow, plus the last line of the film was brilliant, loved it. Overall, I was very pleasently surprised after watching this since I didn't really expect much going into it. I'm definitely intereseted in seeing what else this director has done and will be keeping my eye out for his stuff in the future.
By DD2325!
This movie was great! Didn't know what I was in for when a co-worker recommended I check this one out -- turned out to be the perfect snowed-in activity! Nice amount of horror and comedy, which I find difficult to do properly. Highly recommend watching this one!
Worst werewolf movie
By rnguy001
Had this on the radar for a while. This movie is SO bad I honestly wish I had turned it off halfway.
The werewolf looks a like a disgruntled Amish farmer (no offense intended..), it’s not scary. The acting/plot and FX are woeful. It’s a C-horror movie at best.
So disappointed, since a lot of sites had this billed as THE werewolf movie to watch this year.
solid fright flick
By Lonely & Afraid
A fun watch. Definitely different than most werewolf movies. Some may like it, some may not. I really liked it. It was refreshing, for the most part. The humor and performances of the characters drove the story nicely. Good casting. They felt real, not like some horror movies out there whose characters are essentially walking caricatures..as far as the werewolf, it was solid. More of a simpler Wolf Man approach, but the practical FX were a nice touch. 4 stars for the performances and for the filmmakers for taking a gloomy yet humorous and modern approach to the age-old werewolf folklore.
By horrorfan5555555
More funny than gory. Worth the watch!
Watch at your own risk
By Stan1974
I love me some horror comedy , however this movie fails on every level . Terrible comedy falls flat , horror that isn't even remotely scary and long drawn out monologue's that ramble on and on. Indie movies can be great , and entertaining without blockbuster budgets . I'm just not sure what this movie is trying to accomplish as it seems uninspired and confusing . There is a surge in werewolf movies right now, and I will say skip this and find something else !
phenom of a movie
By silentorphan
thoroughly adventurous movie. i’ve watched it 3 times and it gets funnier every time. at the same time, the plot deserves several re-watches to fully appreciate the darkness you might miss while laughing.
Must see
By Turkey Jefferson
Hilarious take on the werewolf genre with breakout performances
Did the trick
By JackRaspberry
Came across this one while browsing for movie night at our home..it was fun! I have two teenagers. My daughter thought the lead was cute, my son liked the humor--he thought mom wouldn't get it but I've heard it all by now ;)